Friday, November 30, 2007

Random ajah

Hari ini gw ngrasa kaya ga ada energi buat ngapa2in sm skali deh.. tadi bangun kesiangan jadi miss lecture yang jam 9.30, trus dateng ke skolah ikut lecture jam 11 n ga guna juga krn gw ga konsen smskali (tp bukan gw aja sih, nina sama fran juga yg duduk sbelah2 gw sama2 ga konsennya kok,,jadi intinya salahkan lecturer yg amat sgt membosanka, pdhl topiknya menarik sih tentang river ecology gituh). Jam 12 lunchtime louisa sms ngajak lunch bareng, ya udah gw samperin di saf cafe as usual..duduk2 bentar ngobrol, trus uda makin ngantuk aja gw..akhirnya pulanglah saya dan dgn sukses nya skip lecture sore yang jam 2-4. Pulang..uda pulang juga masi aja ga mood mau ngapa2in, padahal ada 1 paper en 1 lab report yang mesti gw bikin (dan gw belom mulai sm skali..mati aja deh. pdhl due dlm sminggu). Akhirnya mutusin buat nelpon indo dan ngobrol2 ama orang2 yg gw kangenin.. nah membantu loh, finally setelah menghabiskan hampir 1/2 hari ini dgn do nothing yg berguna, akhirnya sore ini mood kerja gw dateng juga. syukurlah...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

November Birthdays and a few more bits and pieces

Indosoc dinner (the 1st time I came during these 3yrs! lol..the laksa was nice tho)

Happy birthday darling :) ! thanks for the fab food hehehe...

Cooking time (um I dont actually help..more like I watch and eat)

Seymour House, Brunswick :) (ma, we really shd get 3-double-bedroom nice flat like this one next year hehe....)

Alex visited London! havent seen him in absolutely AGES!

Am so tired and cant feel my legs. Basketball is a REALLY good exercise. Somehow cant imagine how fit i must be back then in highschool when i played basketball 2-3 times a week and riding 4-5 times a week as well. but i must say i always enjoy that exhausted yet satisfied feeling after a good exercise. Anyway, I've decided am gonna be a really good girl and stay in for the rest of next week due to the fact that I went out almost every night last week..which was fun indeed but now i realise im still completely clueless on doing biodiversity indexes and there are a hell lot of carabid and spider data waiting to be analysed. My days are going to be filled with statistical treatments and tests next week as I foresee it. I've done my bits of reading today. I actually sped through six chapter of the philosophy of woodland, also the nice bits i like are the chapters from this conservation biology book by Primack. still..there are three to four more heaps of textbooks i must go through. Last week was fun. Meeting David at Carina's place was fun :) catching up with him and Manveer. Can't believe she's going to get married next June!! Too bad David cant come more often from St Andrew, otherwise we all can have get together more often..Then been seeing Simon, Louisa, Jo, Nina and Miri for meals.. Silvia's birthday dinner was yesterday as well. (lots lots of November birthdays! ninghan,silvia,k'bq,tasha,laras,ivan,novi,angel..happy bday to you all!) . Then we had Indosoc dinner also the previous night made me realise how I have no idea who my juniors are in imperial *sigh*. These days I dont even take notes of the dates anymore, days simply flew so fast. In less than a month i'll be on the flight back to Spore/Japan/Indo..wohoo.. cant wait!! Looking fwd to meet Inka .. looking fwd to meet you back home as well .. and of course my lovely horses :)

I guess i havent updated my blogs as often as I used to do. Not really due to lack of time, but merely due to lack of wanting to remember things (if you get what i mean). I'm the type of person who likes to keep bits and pieces from the past, jotted down good memories, took pictures, wrote a journal, keeping all the birthday cards/xmas cards and then keep all those precious memories tucked away inside a box neatly so I can go back in time whenever I feels like it. I like the past. Im more of a person who perceive the past as something that has made me the person I am today. I did not hate or love the past, more like I cherish it and learn to accept it day by day.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

No more guppies

Puas!! ahahaha... akhirnya mini-project gw tentang guppies selesaiii :) :) yayy...ah nothing beats rasanya kalo baru nyelesaiin suatu big assignment dan u know dat u did well.
bisa tidur nyenyakk..
i need my beauty sleep heheh..
Td gw n ti br ktmuan ama alex pang, sayang cmn bentar cos he need to get back to Norwich. but as they all say, people change. they really do. It was fun tho, a quick trip down that concord-memory-lane once in a while was indeed refreshing. Spoken to Yan as well just now for a good long chat whilst I was curled up under the big duvet in the living room with a cup of teh tarik..relaxing. Then yesterday I chat wt yaya as well for sometime. Not bad..this weekend I've got a good dose from everyone that i've kinda missed :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


This morning I woke up groggily as usual around 5am..throw some proper clothes on and went down to catch the 5.30 am tube (one more plus point of my new flat : tube station is literally just downstairs! yay). I was actually thinking to catch the later tube because there is no sunlight until 7.05 but oh well i was thinking to just spend the time waiting with Loki inside his warm stable. Arrived at the stable, took Loki out and tied him up outside while I mucked out his stable. And here's the funny thing.. it was so windy and the sound of the wind blowing was quite scary. I could swear that Loki was looking at me with big-puppy-eyed stare which seemed to say "Can I go back into my warm nice and comfy stable pretty pleeassee..?". It strikes me as funny because usually he acts so high and mighty when he was tied up outside, but this morning he just looked at me pleadingly to be allowed back into his box. Of course I ignored his stares, but I kept talking to him whilst I was mucking out his he's always been a scaredy cow when it comes to windy moments. Anyway, all turns out well in the end and we had a good one-hour flatwork. After a good ride is one of the moments when I feel the greatest :)
happy.. what a nice Saturday :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

susah yah menghilangkan seseorang dari hati dan pikiran..
bener deh, apalagi dihari2 lagi ujan mulu.. rainy windy mau keluar rumah juga males. jadi mellow deh pikiran gw melanglang buana..
"The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival" -Leo Buscaglia-

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

oh wait actually there was one nice surprise today, whilst i was waiting for the-number88-bus-that-never-came-in-the-end in old friend gave me a call :) It was Alex, he's coming down from Norwich this weekend. At least he kept me company whilst i was waiting for the bloody bus. That's the one and only thing that make me smile today i think. Blah today was the day in which i should have just stayed in bed. really.
Ok back to my long-overdue dinner now.

The rants of a commuter

I absolutely hate London transport today!!
it took me THREE hours to get back home from riding!!! whilst normally it took me 40 minutes door-to-door!!!!!
NEVER ever again

...totally ruins my mood for the rest of the night.....................................................

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Akhir2 ini banyak pikiran deh. Bingung saya..tadinya uda berniat yakin 100 % ni mau ngambil master langsung pas abis uda lulus taun depan. Uda research dgn lengkap pula, ampe uda bikin personal statement, urus transcript nilai & diskusi ama personal tutor gw.. ehh minggu lalu nelpon nyokap, malah disaranin kenapa ga langsung nyari kerja aja? nah gimana ga bingung dan sebal saya..
Tadinya mereka yang bilang ni, ya uda ambil master aja langsung ,toh cuman staun ini.. trus gw bole ambil subject mana aja. ya uda donk, gw pikir..okey gw ambil master di subject yg gw enjoy saja..ya ga? uda milih tuh gw, animal bio ato conservation sci. uni juga uda milih, tetep di Imperial ato pindah Royal Veterinary College...
Nahh trus kmarenan mereka nelpon bilang kalo gw ambil 2 subject diatas itu, prospek masa depannya kurang cerah di indo. Nah gw juga tau gitu, emang iya banget kalo kerja di conservation itu bener2 depends on funding, political condition etc etc.. tapi selama ini gw berprinsip, why noy do something yang gw bener2 suka gitu loh..kita hidup juga cuman sekali ini, ga bakal keulang lagi ya ga.Kalo gw mau egois sih, gw bisa aja bilang ama bonyok kalo gw cuman mau kerja di dunia berkuda aja.. tapi kan gw juga masi realistis donk, i mean i got a good degree from a good uni..kan sayang kalo di wasted. jadi yah niat awal mau kerja di conservation.. nah skarang?? bingung aja lagi..heran deh bonyok gw maunya apa siiyy kadang2 ..huhu