Saturday, August 23, 2008

Si abu abu

Kenapa yah loose ends itu selalu masih ada ?
yang gw kira uda bisa terselesaikan taun lalu, ternyata masih belum juga sampe sekarang
dan kalo diliat2, sepertinya akan tetep seperti ini sampe..hmm spuluh taun ke depan juga kali ya. parah ga sih. Betul sih, jalan kita masih sangatt panjang. ya iyalah secara skarang juga gw baru umur 22, baru lulus S1..boro2 mau kawin, dapet kerja aja masi belom..masi mau ambil S2.. intinya masi banyak deh yang pengen gw kerjain di dalam hidup ini. pacar tetep masi blom punya, ada juga satu itu yang sepertinya kita berdua akan selalu ada di dalem area abu-abu. sangat sangat abu-abu. item ga..putih ga. Kaya stuck in time gitulah, sepertinya kita selalu seperti ini. anehnya, ga ada di antara kita yang nyoba untuk keluar dari area abu-abu ini. Okelah mungkin ini gw yang gr ato apa..tapi gw yakin, keadaan kaya gini pasti sering dihadepin orang2 yang sama bodohnya kaya kita berdua.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I just read Wiwid's blog in fs and there was one sentence i really liked there :
'God gives us what we NEED and not what we WANT"
very true.
yep, indeed there is always a time for everything.

Laskar Pelangi

I am currently reading a book called "Laskar Pelangi" (if translated, will means 'the Rainbow Squad' kind of) by this Indonesian author, Andrea Hirata. The story is simple, yet it is moving. He wrote about his childhood, spent in an old, dilapidated elementary school in the island of Belitong. Belitong is an island rich in timber (timah! timah called timber in english? not very sure), but yet the traditional Belitong people used to live in such poverty .. as the timber production was governed by certain group of people only. He wrote about what he and 10 other his childhood friends experienced during the time period of nine years spent in that old school. Completed the story was their faithful, wise and old headmaster and a teacher who dedicated their lives to educate the poor children in Belitong.
The story brings me back the magic of childhood memories :) and how simplicity can brings happiness.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Okay i havent written anything here for ages. well, not really. but these days i've been lacking my usual motivated self to keep notes of whats happening. around me. or everywhere else.
Anyway, yeah here I am just arrived back home from a trip (another one yeah) to Bandung with parents and cousins and family.
Let me ask you something, what do you think of coincidences?
I am a big sucker who believes that there is actually no such thing as coincidences, and all teeny-weeny little unimportant things happens because there is a reason for it. Be it to be discovered later on or twenty years from now, it doesnt matter.
I love coincidences
I love when I followed my intuition and things turns out well
but one thing I lack of is patience. to wait and see.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Hehe i just kidnapped my cousin to accompany me to Senayan City becos im craving for JCo doughnuts lol. I realised that driving actually makes me relaxed (note : only when the traffic is ok) when i was speeding down the road towards home just now, blasting music, and cool air-conditioner inside my lovely Terrano :)