Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Two down. two more to go
and a final year project looming ahead
but ive worked hard and revise hard, so *fingerscrossed* no regrets hopefullyy

i really truly cannot work AT ALL at home anymore
just finished watching Desperate Housewives wt irma
then now randomly internet surfing..
.. .... ... so unproductive
i guess my brain deserve a bit of a break tonight
then tomorrow time to plow on through endless lecture notes again

I so gonna catch up wt people after exams! been super antisocial these days.
sorry ppl , promise i will soon go back to the real world after these all finish
and ya i never on msn/gmail chat again these days except for a few hours at night here which means its early morning for you back home..
and skype wise too
if im offline its not because i appear offline but because i really am offline x(
so drop me an email if you need to reach me :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Library is officially my 2nd home
.. ...
we do eat lunch. nap. coffee break. dinner. nap. home..
and the best thing is that there are friends aroud :)
we keep each other sane and happy
just realising that we need some adrenaline kick to gear up for the soon-approaching-exam
still waiting though for it to kick in..
which strangely havent yet

oh trus gw seneng deh krn skarang uda bisa dgn resmi bilang kalo gw uda bisa merapikan perasaan dan hati gw :) ahahaha.. senang. jadi merasa bangga dengan diri saya sendiri. Akhirnya setelah skitar 2 taun. Merasa bebas seperti burung yang terbang diangkasa kali yah kalo mau diumpamain..blom ampe kya burung sih, krn sayapnya masi baru mulai tumbuh gitu. Tapi akhir kata, bebas !

Friday, April 25, 2008

The thing about library

Spring is here! :)
its hard not to smile when I was walking across Queens lawn to get to library today.. can feel the warmth of the sun on my face! when the weather is mild and warm, even the thought of exams doesnt really stress me :) :)

On another thought, i really think people DO live in library
These days, i go home at night...hordes of ppl just starting to come =_=
Library-ing these days i save my spot alrd..well bcos everyone does too. I started doing it two days ago after i realised every morning when i came, less and less and less free seats are around.. :( also this is random but i notice that people DO bring the strangest thing ever :
- a guy actually brought a small fan and plug it next to his laptop on level 4
- another brought a pillow to sit on
- then a small doll (not that unusual, seen a girl bring tiny teddy bear into exam room one day)
- stacks and stacks of humongous folder (these are quite common, it looks like they got their whole room transferred into library)
- kettle (ok me and louisa got this, and 2-3 other bio ppl in saf do also..now my locker is becoming more and more like a small pantry. Current contents : coffee sugar spoon tea/greentea/apple tea biscuit mugs oranges apples ..

also : people do really trust one another dont they. I came quite early every day, then at this same seat i always see this certain guy left his ipod-earphone just lay there on the table! and i know he's not around yet cos he usually came at 10-ish.. hmm

ahh three more days!
nervous. yet anxious to start.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lost in.. ....

Do I REALLY look that approachable??
there were countless times when i was approached by people asking for directions, mostly tourists maybe. and not just around college (well, duh imperial is smack in the middle of three museums so there are tons of tourists there all the time of cos). No. but in really random places. I was out jogging quite far one day, still got approached by people asking for directions. Even in the tube. Out when i was just staring at the river. Over the bridge when i was walking. etc. Once even got really weird one, i was in out near wandsworth..near orient house back then, then got someone who asked me how can he walk to London Eye from there. Oh and twice i actually gave the wrong direction to someone.. xD not on purpose but honestly mistaken. I dont mind ppl asking me directions when I was jogging, because i knew the road names and places where i usually jog.
do i really look that approachable? or.. gullible (hope not)?
at least i know my road names MUCH better here in London. at home I was a hopeless case. I do drive around, but my road knowledge are very VERY limited. in extreme. I dont mind dropping/picking a friend home as long as they tell me how do i get back home from whichever area it is. Plus thanks God to my driver whom i completely relied on as I rang him everytime i got hopelessly lost. It happens. Often. *sigh*.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fated to Love you

Highly recommended to watch : Fated to Love You !!
Carina, thia, sylvia and steph they all told me to watch this but then i was a a bit doubtful because havent really seen Ethan Ruan paired up wt Chen Xiao En before (even tho she is excellent in The Prince Who Turned Into Frog with Ming Dao).
but ya... seriously, this is GOOD!! *two thumbs up!*
sadly only out until ep5 so far...the raw ep is out every Monday but then eng sub wouldnt came out until thursday evenings
I wish i can understand mandarin!! argh.. i seriously considering to learn mandarin again now.. just like how i decided to learn english back then in order to be able to read more story books xD and Louisa told me she got the Ouran High School series complete but in mandarinn..aiyaa.. i havent been able to find that series ANYWHERE. sigh sigh..

Friday, April 18, 2008


Note to self and friends out there : pls do check your internet banking account routinely..
mira told me someone used her debit card today without her knowing it :(
she was checking her internet banking acc then realised sth was odd cos there were some payments which she never made and was taken out of her acc..(she v rarely do shop online)
lucky only not much money..
called hsbc then they refund her money..and cancel her card
apparently its quite common now, most prob it happens when you withdraw money at some random cashmachine, then got something that can 'copy' your card..
so yah :
1. check bank statement carefully
2. dont randomly withdraw from cashmachines in dodgy-places

Just realised how reliant ive become to debit cards since ive been living in UK..

Heart cookies

Heart-cookies :) !! got my name xD
Irma made them for us
Happiness !! Lift my slightly-stressed mood today as i can smell the freshly baked cookies when i entered our flat :) :)

I was having some kind of panic attack a few days ago..up to the point where my brain just felt like it couldnt take in any new information anymore. That day was quite bad, i literally went back, showered and slept straight away. Ok that sounds quite depressing.. =_=

Anyway, these past three days when i was feeling slightly down, there's always some unexpected small things that made me happy :) which made me feel loved!
Two days ago was unplanned nice dinner at oc wt meiting n alex :) :)
Yesterday was the green paper-clips, it was a small act of kindness which actually made me feel really quite touched :) :)
Today was cookies from irma and she also did my laundry :) :) and clean the kitchen (ok i know im easy to please as long as it concern household cleanliness and chores lol).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dinner parties

I'm falling asleep in library ZzZzZ...
we have two more weeks exactly until the exams start, strangely i start to feel more relaxed! omg im so weird but it always happens to me. aiii... to be honest i havent completely covered every single thing, im still not super confident that i can do the exams well. but then again why am i feeling more and more relaxed closer to the exam days...
Oh yesterday i invited lilis and franky over for dinner. i like inviting ppl for dinner, and i think the impact had rub off on irma cos she suggested we invite over the guys for a meal after exams. yays!
i like dinner parties
and yesterday one was a blast :) !!!! plus i have the best flatmates ever :) !!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just a horse? Nah i don't think so..

From time to time people tell me. “lighten up, it’s just a horse,” or,
“ that’s a lot of money for just a horse”.
They don’t understand the distance travelled, the time spent, or the cost involved for “just a horse”.
Some of my proudest moments have come about with “just a horse”.
Many hours have passed and my only company was “just a horse”, but I did not once feel slighted.
Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by “just a horse”, and in those days of darknest, the gentle touch of “just a horse” gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.
If you, too, think it’s “just a horse”, then you will be probably understand phareses like “just a friend”, “just a sunrise”, or, “just a promise”.
“Just a horse” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.
“Just a horse” brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.
Because of “just a horse” I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
So for me and folks like me, it’s not “just a horse” but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.
“Just a horse” brings out what’s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and worries of the day.
I hope that someday they can understand that it’s not “just a horse” but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “just a woman”.
So next time you hear the phrase “just a horse”
just smile, because they “just” don’t understand.

Cidoal, the big teddy bear.

Cidoal just passed away this morning :*(
I was so shocked when Laras and mom told me. then immediately called putri and tasha..Can't imagine how putri must've felt. He was still perfectly healthy yesterday!
For us, a loss of our horse is like a loss of our own family member. You might find it strange but it is true.
They are the ones that grew up with us
Shared our happiness and joy, sadness and pain
for they always listen without saying a word
A tribute to Cidoal du Genetre. One of the most honest horse, the horse that will eat ANYTHING (his favourite was soya milk and fried rice. dont ask. but he loves it), will jump no matter how high the fences are or however tight the turns is. Its a loss of one of the best partnership in the showjumping world of him and Adi.
:( :( !!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sometimes tears are not too bad
and an ear on the other side
and a bar of Ritter sport marzipan chocolate

Friday, April 11, 2008

Black bean dumplings

Okay im so feeling ill now..
dizzy head/runny nose/sneezing :( :(

but today I had a good 1/2 day break from the revising hell!! yay!!! Nadia came from Reading. We had super yummy dimsum (ever tried sweet black bean dumpling for desert?? try it!! it fabulous).. then went back to my place and swapped horsy gossips from Spore/Indo/asia-wise. wah ive been so out of touch in wat happening in horsy world back home!! many new and interesting gossip and politics lol xD
Cant wait to go visit her then go for long hack/ride there!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blue sky

Iieeee.. initially wanted to post a photo of a sun-streaked blue sky which i took this afternoon but realised that it was quite crappy. Not as pretty as it looks like when i took it x( sometimes times like these i wished i have one of those big-huge 'proper' camera to make the image become like how i wanted them to be xp
Yikes im sleepyy but still wanna watch more series.. bad. i really shd go to sleep soon. I think i'm catching a cold as well, mira got headache.. aiks the whole house are falling sick nooo...I hate it when i keep on sneezing in library cos it was so quiet there. This week ive started living in library again, literally. Haii...been there morning-night everyday, lucky got louisa/miriam/baim around to disturb and go for lunch/coffeebreaks. Actually because of studying in lib also i met ppl i havent seen in awhile.. like yesterday bumped to alvin and swee lin, then keith, joyce, enrico, etc. Not bad. then i always aim to finish my 'revising portion' of the day in lib, so can go home and really relax..go jogging then cook and watch shows. :) :)
Hm i feel like calling home but i ran out of phone credit...havent call home for a while but today suddenly feel family-oriented, so decided to email home and send photos.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"If science cannot offer certainity, it can strive to offer objectivity"
nice saying, isn't..then what i wanna say in this post is actually unrelated to the saying above..
On another note, youtube is BANNED in indonesia..
i was chatting to dian this afternoon (she is in indo) and yep she did confirmed to me that yeap indeed our government has banned youtube :( (newslink : http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/04/08/indonesia.youtube/index.html)
wanna know why?
because of 'fitna the movie' was released in youtube..
if you are wanna see it.. search google or watch it in youtube (can only open it if you have youtube account). there are quite a lot of shocking images in the movie, but its a short only 6-minutes movie..so have a look if you are curious.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The mind of a student in 2008

3s says:
i wonder how people study back then when there was no internet..
3s says:
sorry random lol
Louisaaaaaaaa~ says:
LOL =0=''. . . . . .
Louisaaaaaaaa~ says:
i would imagine lots of hand copying will be needed. . . . if copying machine was still not available at the time =0=
Louisaaaaaaaa~ says:
i.e. i would die if i were born at those time = =

*Hail to whoever invented internet* ^_^ !!!

Snow (again) in spring

Woke up at 6am this morning. Watching the snowflakes fell outside my window... I STILL get excited by it :) no matter how many times i've seen snowfall before. but how come no one is awake yet to share my excitement?!

"It's time to surrender, there's no point in pretending. That's no use in trying when the pieces don't fit anymore. Still, I keep on trying. I don't know why, I can't explain" -The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore, James Morrison-

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

U ranch long time ago

this is not important but i cant recognise myself in this photo!.its in trijaya, the riding stable where i literally grew up..i rode there for about 10 years. This must be during one of the competition. omg this was taken SO LONG ago..alena just tagged me in this photo in fb. So so sooo long ago..such goood times SIGH i miss my horsie and my horsey friends :*( :*(

An encounter

This is the first time I've ever encountered a person like you. Interesting. The character is very very observant, yet what I like the most is how you can be strong-willed but at the same time lenient enough so people dont hate you, but instead you gain respect. In addition, you inspire me to appreciate originality.
but ya, interesting..
I always thought i'm an observant person
but you surpassed my expectations
which makes me even more curious

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Oookaayy..re-reading my blog when im having study break is not a good idea. Especially since i got carried away and start to re-read all the emo entries. Bad, bad idea. Makes me emo and lose concentration and start thinking and re-thinking about things. Yikes.. :( summing up,why the hell did i wrote those entries back then??? at least the person involved did not read blogs. at least i think so. hopefully. ah whatever i dont care, correction, i still care but i just simply dont have the time to think more about it these days. Just wait until summer, as usualy, my summers are usually full of answers to the past year's summer and unanswered questions for the next year's summer.

Time and again

I feel like slowing my pace down when walking these days. I mean, like literally.. walk with slower pace. Wanna know why? becos I feel like I was being rushed everywhere, everytime. It doesn't help that London IS a fast-paced place. Slow down then you get carried away with the flow. It sucks isn't it, when sometime all I wanted to do is just to slow down a bit. Going to St Andrew makes me realise that I do miss the slower pace of living in Shrewsbury. It's strange isn't it, because I am a complete city girl. I was born and bred in Jakarta. For 16 years I lived in a city in which getting from one place to another can take as fast as 10 minutes with good traffic or as slow as 2 hours during the rush hour. It was a city which is not only fast, but also messy in every sense. Messy buildings, messy traffic, messy houses. Yet, I do not feel stressed.. well, I did of course sometime. but then again my school life back then was so relaxing.. good grades can be achieved with minimal amount of work. School was for socializing. For making friends. Playing basketball. Student organisations. School events. Basketball tournaments. Beside school, my other main activity was riding my horses. Riding lessons. Training camps. Overseas competitions. Hanging out with horsy people in horsy competitions. Spending weekends in the stable and weekdays in school. That's about it. yet..living amidst the heart of messy J-town did not feel as rushed as living in London. Its strange isn't. In addition, I have much more free time on my hands these past three years but then again I feel like I never have enough time. Ahh.. time, i really have to manipulate you and not the other way around.