Monday, March 31, 2008

Whee...i finally get back the bit of myself that's been lost after riding this morning ! :)
horse-deprived last week was not so good for my mental health and well-being

Sunday, March 30, 2008

East Coast

In front of castle ruins in which somehow we just cudnt find the entrance even tho we see ppl inside..

Sandy beach!! and it was longg...stretched for 2miles or so..

This is interesting : the square-ish pool u see on the left hand side is a 'bathing pool' that was used by some reverends to swam and by public in the old days. and the rocky cliff on the right hand side is the 'witches cliff' where they used to kill the ppl who were suspected to be witches ...they throw them down the cliff and before that hanged them on the hill beside it..

Just came back from St Andrews :)
thanks david for letting us crash ur place for three days return we cooked for you and you have enough food to last u for weeks i think. The train ride was surprisingly not as long as I expected, probably bcos we took the train with the fewest stops so it only took us abt 5 hrs to get there from Kings cross. The St Andrew town itself is really a uni town..its a bit like a huge boarding school with the halls and various departments scattered all around the town itself. The best part ? i LOVE the beach!! yeah in the years ive been here, yesterday was the very first time i came across a pure sandy beach in UK. it was niceee...and the wind was strong but it was sunny. How i envy david who told me he goes for runs along the beach x( well i got the river here but along the beach! i want to. Ahh going out of London feels so SO good..see, after 2 yrs in concord i miss the city life so i went to almost 3 yrs in london i start to miss the fields, the trees, the sheeps.. we, humans, are just never satisfied arent we ..hmm. Oh ya on additional note, finally im able to see st andrews becos ive been wanting to go there ever since i know prince william used to study there xp

oh well, good trip, excellent company :) im happy and yeah back to revision starting tomorrow !!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back from a good run in a crisp cold morning at 7 today :)
and i like the plum-scented lotion thingy that mom gave me last time...
Feel very refreshed and ready to take on another day of revising !!
I miss my old best friends these days :( wish i'm back home now
Toby is travelling around Asia now, how envious x( i also wanna go home..summer come soon pretty please??
ps : pic above is from La tartine gourmande food blog (she posted amazing food photos!).. i just really like the blue sky photo but somehow cant crop the picture of the chocolate-pecan teacakes next to it xp

Kalo uda mulai revise kaya gini, rasanya uda bener2 lupa tanggal hari dan jam deh. gw ama irma uda ber-hibernate mode gini, mana diluar dingin parah dan ujan mulu :(
at least weekend ini gw bkl k st andrew buat short break jadi merasa guilty gitu kalo 3 hari ga revise sm skali. sbenernya ini juga revise sudah dlm panic mode yang rada2 on gitu gara2 gw nyadar kalo ada module yg bener2 masi gw ga bisa grasp bahan2nya..huhuhh. yah anyway ini last exam gw di uni, cepett bgt yah rasanya baru aja kmaren gw masuk jadi freshman taun pertama eh tau2 da mo lulus. Kadang2 sempet mikir kok kynya 3 taun di uni ...tapi tidak trll trasa ya..
sdg mellow nih. tadi br abis ntn talented mr ripley bareng mira.. (dan yeap untung ada mira yg masi sering menonton dvd kalo ga gw dan irma uda sgt stres krn revise mulu haha..). trus tadi bertambah mellow krn gw mendengar lagu2 mellow pas sambil bikin notes ttg my lovely insect-plants haha.. sudah smakin better sih skrg, gw uda ga se-moody bbrp wkt kmaren. tapi yah tetep aja ada setback mode kadang2. aa..cepetan pgn slese exam.. !

Sunday, March 23, 2008

White easter Sunday

It's snowing right now outside my window!!
heavy, pure white snow falls

so excited! havent seen proper snow in a long time since concord!!! sadly all my flatmates are still asleep now, so the only person i can share my excitement is Silvia on msn just now
but yeah, snow!
in easter and heavy as well!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

(Last) spring break

What a freakishly shitty weather London has these days
Revision mode : ON
Hibernating : tick
Comfort food : tick
Riding : tick

5 weeks of revision
with visiting David in St Andrew and going to Paignton with Louisa in between
then activities are mapped out for the next 12 weeks x(
...and what a random post this is..

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cold Monday afternoon

It was so so so so COLD today!

No mood to stay in uni anymore so i decided to go home and skip whatever class is left in the afternoon (which is nothing much).Opened facebook then saw that daryll commented on these photos (above), the snowy one just FITS the cold day today so i just have to put it up (kuambil dr fb mu ya tii hehe tenkyu sayy) and the first one on top is just our end of 6.2 dinner, in which daryll also commented then i feel nostalgic, so again i have to post it xp

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kangen komik

Sunday passed damn fast.
I woke up early today and yesterday, so my day feels longer lol
Waking up early is good, because then i feel like i'm not wasting time
I guess i'm a morning person as always, even though i did try to switch to sleep late and wake up late mode a few times, but mornings are preferred in comparison to late-nights.
Revising bits and pieces done, but still not 100 % revision mode yet. Been skype-ing like mad these days, talking random things and just now me and Thia realised that we talked more compared to couples do! arghh.... i should have never re-downloaded skype on my comp!! I know i deleted it for a reason sigh
Now been watching anime, im giving taiwanese dramas a rest for a while cos if the storyline got depressing, then i got depressed too. Missing my manga collections...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Choosily choosing choices

I thrived on choices
literally, in all aspects of life...
I choose to have choices
It's not always a good thing as now I have come to realise

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Finally today i can get a day off
a much needed one indeed as the past week been so hectic i hardly had any time left for sleep..

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Omg i just want to so many things to do but got no time *sigh
ive been doing 9-5 lectures/lab every single day.. then got indonesian night rehearsals like 3 times a week now (in which this past two days we stayed in LSE until 10-11pm ish..and today i left home at 8am morning, got back home briefly from 6-8pm.. went to LSE and didnt come home until 12pm! aaa...)
24 hours is SO not enough
i still got lab reports, have to start revising for finals, have to email final year project supervisor
at least i finish all my postgrad applications already
tired! and i cant actually sleep yet even tho im tired but a thousand things still run through my mind, its like im mentally making checklists of things needed to be done, notes to be made, journals to be printed etc etc
and London is damn damn cooolllddd today
actually this is a very random post, sorry
just got to the point when i asked irma today :
'why can't we simply just EXIST ?'
wouldnt it be wonderful if we can just simply LIVE life
no need to worry about school, work, family, money, future etc
These days, we have endless targets to chase, things to accomplish, places to visit..
We did A levels to aim for grades so we can be accepted into a good university, we got the grades and enroll in the university we want.. but do we stop there? No, now we want to get 1st class degree, so we work our butt off to get our degree....three years later we got our degree..but do we stop there? No, now we want to get our 'dream' we fill and send endless application forms, wrote endless personal statements and went to endless assesment centres and interviews.....finally we got a job, but do we stop there? No, now we want to built up savings... after a few years working, we finally saved up enough to buy a house, buy a car, a horse and invest some of the money for little luxuries.. but do we stop there? No, now we want to settle down with a we hunt for 'the one'...finally we found him/her, got married, got kids...but do we stop there? hmm at this point maybe some people will actuially STOP there, but i have a sinking feeling that No, now we want more and more and more and more things... .... when will we actually STOP ?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Barley tea

Muscles are blisfully aching from basketball just now :) (even though i feel like i was dying during practice.. i'm extremely unfit! sometimes i feel bad at my teammates cos they keep running and i was like, no i'll stay half the court cos i seriously cant run anymore :( and no riding does not make me fitter, due to muscle habituation after years of doing it continuously, seriously riding did not tire me that much at all these days, but if i go home, my trainer really know how to make me dying by asking me to ride at least 3 horses straight for proper flat lessons, not that i complain lol)
...then stomach full from dinner at OC, crispy roast pork yumm :)
going to read more about my very interesting horsy topic for my essay, make a nice cup of barley tea.. then going to have an early night in today..
Happiness! i feel content.. a good Saturday indeed