its Friday night!!
weekend is here!!
thx God
p.s : pic on the left was taken abt 4 mths ago in Attica, clubbing event by IC Indo Soc :) ..Looking good!!
Missed 2 whole days of school on Wed & Thurs (22nd & 23rd of Feb) since we got BUSA A team competitions..
Wed, 22nd : in Lee Valley Riding Centre (UCL as host)..Rode Bailey (big,BIG, dark bay mare..lovely stride & canter..kinda TOO fwd going in trot) did a very acceptable test, even tho its not v.incredible in particular, but passable test I think. Sadly, the judge was rather an unpleasant man I guess..very harsh markings! 5-5-5-4-4-4..but with nice comments, "nice rhytm.." etc..very VERY weird way of marking. Freeze our butt off while waiting for the show jumping..lunch & walk the course while carrying a plat of choc chip cookies & drank hot chocs while dunking cookies :)
Jess did a nice test on white-grayish mare..Lucy as well..and Kat as well..we all did ok tests..
Start the jumping : 3 paint horses, 1 light chesnut. Nice easy course, small tiny fences.. well..the same girl who fell off in Snowball, fell of AGAIN! from UCL..dunno her name, but this time it was a BAD fall..the horse, Baron, just didn't pick up at all at the 3rd fence in the treble..ambulance came..tokk her to hospital (Jess being medics come very very handy in times like this)...and what the Brunel girls said : "What are we gonna do abt the individual placing?" helooo we got an injured girl here!!! can't believe them!!!!!! and they were already WINNING that time.. puh-leeaseee...
decided to cancel the jumping altogether that day.
On Thursday 23rd Feb : Last competition at Trent Park (our place !!)..dressage horses : Phoebe,Jock,Coco,Avignon..warm Jock up (could NOT get him to canter left!)..rode Avignon in the test, ok test, can do better though...this girl from (Brunel!) damn..rode a nice test on Avvy, got 151 score! damn..
Jumpers : Black Jack, Trio, Ginger, Joe..BJ just went fantastic! i think he knows he's in a competition, he just zoomed around the course! I hardly have to do anything but sit tight and steer...seriously. Trio did not threw anyone off & he went very well (bless him! like Jess said)..Joe was lovely and Ginger as well.. NOBODY FELL OFF IN OUR JUMPING!!! WO HOOO !! great improvement, considering : at Snowball : 1 air ambulance + 1 ambulance... at Lee Valley : 1 ambulance..
At the end of the day, Brunel team won..UCL 2nd..IC (us!!)3rd..haha surprise2x.. but it's ok..
Went to the pub for drinks, took tube back home..completely exhausted.
Anyway, today (Friday) went to Manda's house after school...ate dinner there (ari cooked) , Pat came..talked n watched friends a bit..did some work.. It feels really nice, I did not realise how actually I missed being around ppl.
I guess I just discovered that I'm actually more of an introvert person rather than an extrovert person..really.. :)
but yeah it was nice tonight, its been quite a while since I had the time to came and just relaxed at Manda's place..hers was one of the places I can just go anytime and feels like I'm at home :)
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Friday Night
butterfly effect
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Not as it seems like
Ok, i just read a message from him in fs.
He asked, "So, what do u think u had learned from this ?" I was like, wht d h*ll.. ?! I was actually kinda dissapointed that he asked. I mean, hey..its not just me! U know, I think I deserve better..seriously
Actually this one yr relationship, I did not feel like I'm in a real relationship if u knew what I mean...feels like we're in between (1/2 couple, 1/2 friends).
I did try to always let him know if I'm busy or something so I won't be able to go online for a few days..but he? no...never...! sometimes he can just dissapeared for a few days. I do trust him and all, but what's the problem just spending a few minutes to txt me saying he'll be busy for a few days etc..?!
Seems like we both take each other for granted really.
Yeah, maybe it's just too good to be true, so we're kinda blinded by it..
lessons learned :
If something too good to be true happened to u, well..enjoy it but be careful as it may seems better than it actually is.
p.s : that pic above is actually an old pic, but I'm just feeling like putting it up ;) [pic taken last summer in Mykonos,Greece..heaven on earth]
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Concord Reunion 18Feb 2006
Concord Reunion,,
Came back today from cc, went there on Friday afternoon with Irma (very nearly missed our train! we actually, RUN, all the way from those ridiculously crwded fast-ticket machine ..all the way to platform 2 at euston, with the help of Hank & Kote who carried our bags). Omg, never again..pls be on time next time.
Took 18.40 pm train..arrive at Shrews around 22.00..took taci back to cc, when we saw the familiar lights from main hall..it truly feels like we've never been away before :)
Met silvia, mira,diana etc..stay at Aca's room. Had one of the most peacfeul,dreamless sleep i've had since weeks!! woke up feeling incredibly well-rested and peaceful the next day (sat morning). Went for breakfast with SIlvia (actually we weren's entirely sure if we're allowed to)..met Shane at the dining hall, he genuinely seems glad to see me :) ! am quite surprised because usually he's very subdued and quiet when we used to work together, but anyhow yeap met Rita & Sue as well.
Then took a long-log complete walk all around cc, saw my pics & photo up in mail hall, listed as "Concord College Top A-Level Results in 2005"..feeling quite proud (i look v.chubby in d pic!) also feel kinda sorry/weird for Silvia because her name wasn't on the list & the one on the list is the one with her uni listed as LSE..
Went for lunch at La Trattoria with Irma,Sil,Tracy,Diana..had the most Yummy lunch!! salmon-tagliatelle, marinara pizza..
Met Manda, Ti,Ange later on..shop around a bit. Took taxi back.
Met Pang & Yan in cc, i'm very very glad that Pang can make it back in time for reunion..seriously..and thank God she's ok now. It was very scary to think of what might happen to her if the blood clot did not get discovered now. Pang looked great! Yan as well..both of them looked more mature and prettier as well.
Met Salim and he told me that Mrs.Seaward wanted to meet us both at 7 pm beside the entrance to Mr.Bonella's house.
Get back to Red House (we're all staying at Aca's room..she was away this weekend, as her parent came to Manchester). Shower. Get dressed. In a rush, walked back to main hall..
Met Mrs. Seaward in her car, with Salim as well..had a long talk (Salim now works in BBC! gonna get film-producer license somthg nxt yr, Mrs.S is currently still in that prob she has, Carla's 21st on dat day, future bf for Tash, Amble's competing on 29th March with JP). Told her that I broke up, feel relieved, busy as usual.
Then went for the Reunion Dinner..had fish & cheese cake..again, it truly feels like we've never been away before..and all this time we're just coming back from a really really long summer holiday. Seriously...
Had quizzes on general knowledge, film ,and stuff. Met Mr.Morris,Mrs.Mac,Mr.Hickman,Dr.Braybroo
k,Nade,Sue,Rita,Helen etc etc ..all the vietnamese, Soph, ale, all the malaysians..
took a few pics..
went back-get changed-go to the disco
but disco kinda sucks (lights out a few times!!)
In the end, end up hanging around main hall..sitting and watching ppl...it all still the same, same ppl hang out with the same group of friends. get pretty bored after awhile.
Get to know most of the new 6.1 indo's : Tatum,Shendi, Tracy,Virginia,Hendy,Mira,Frida,Febrin ..seeing them and staying in Red House esp make me reminiscing abt all of our 6.1 memories! (loads of it with Zin..i miss u Zin!!)
Went back,took shower, got Bday present !! from kita-kita..a miss selfridge-red n white-striped shoulder bag which looks really cool & a wallet in the same colour as well :) thx guys!
slept with pang on Aca's bed, nti on the floor. Irma & Manda at Mira's room (managed to be ok at room check! mrs.Hawkins seemed not seen Manda).
On Sun morning got woken up roughly by fire alarm at 9.30!! (just found out a few hours ago that actually it was Silvia heating up croissant in the microwave that caused the fire alarm to ring!) hehe..
Could not sleep at all anymore. Decided to read mags, eat chocs brioche, took shower with Artati at the shower on the ground floor (in front of Mickey's old room) Totally reminds me of those times me & Zin used to take shower together & pass each other shampoo & conditioners etc from below the partition, talking2x all the time..and how I always managed to finished showering first. Miss all of it!!!
Finally took taxi to the train station with Irma,Man,Pang..
took train back to London, arrived at Euston at 16.10..went back to Orient tired, but happy.
Truly feels like i've never been away at all..like living in London is just one long long holiday, then coming back to Concord made me realise that somehow we;re all back to where it all began.
..If I can turn back time, i would LOVE to repeat my time in Concord. The place where I had truly made some life-long friends. Know my true ability if I push myself hard enough. And really simply meet all kinds of ppl who helped me in the path of finding myself. ..
There's never enough words to say, but I LOVE U ALL my ex-concordian friends..u all know who u are. :)
butterfly effect
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
V-Day Glooms
Sometimes I feel like I just don't belong..?
why..dunno why
even tho am surrounded by friends,sometimes i just feel like i don't fit..
nothing feels better than old friends whom with u can feel as comfy as if u're wearing a pair of ur fave,old,tatty trainers..
in short : i miss my bestie back home!! u-know-who-u-are guys
maybe its just the effect of this rainy gloomy usual london day
today is
,,Happy Valentine's Day,,!!
(suddenly remembered dat exactly one yr ago, I was in Edinburgh with Pang on V-day..attending Edinburgh Open day :) sooo many things had happened this one yr, time really flies man)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, February 14, 2006