Last dAy oF scHoOL !!
went to Newham city farm w. ninghan & yihlin..all e way in xone 3.. took DLR ('free') royal albert, walk2x..found e farm, donkey (30yr old!),koookie, cats,geese,horsie,pony,etc. Small farm, but pretty tidy..looked around & wait for d manager (sussana?) to forms etc.
Went to Canary Wharf on d way back, took pics, went to bridge, books etc, read2x...damn hungry, went to eat at Nandos!! v.fulfilling meal!! had such a good time, just talking2x, fill up the bottomless soda! (like, 10 times i think), ate chickn & corn & chips...damn full :)
went back, pretty tired hehe
Then at nite, movie marathOn w. ninghan, matthew, charlotte ! watch hitch & lotr 3, hitch damn funny, lotr got lots of extended scene,so cool :)
slept ard 5.30ish..woke up at 11.15ish..
Saturday, March 25, 2006
No more school !!
butterfly effect
Saturday, March 25, 2006