Really2x..truly..physically exhausted today!!
went to Westway Stable in the morning..muck out 6 stables from 9-2 pm (5 hrs straight, wit like, 5 min break to get a drink and ate my apple).
Groomed some..talked2x to a guy (dunno who his name is, but his daughter was there for the pony day)..get to know Rheana & Dan. Sarah came by in lunchtime.
Rode Sparky in the afternoon, he got spooked by a plastic bag in the arena, but he was by far the most comfy pony I tried there ! so smooth (eg : smooth stride).
So exhausted when i went back (arrive home at 7pm ish, bloody bus 391 was late again). but feeling rested and happy. I think i really do have a physical craving to be near horses to calm me down :)!*
Anyway, been thinking a bit.. it just suddenly occured to me on the bus on the way home today... it's just, what i've always been good at ? i sort of asked myself this question..then i realised, what i've ALWAYS been good at is organising things & be a leader (don't mean to sound like a show off, but i know i AM good in organising things). Ever since I was in primary school, i always been elected as head class, head prefect, head of student body etc.. and i always loved it so much! i love being in an organisation, i love working with ppl & especially leading ppl (not in a bossy sort of way), but i do know I have a decent enough leadership abilities. Ok so what makes me think abt this all of a sudden?
Its just...I do like biology, but somehow, i got this feeling that this is not what I shd be doing. I like it, but i'm not exceptionally good at it. And frankly, with a bio degree..its pretty tough to find a good job really. So i've been thinking..maybe..I had chosen a wrong course? there is a probablity that the reason I feel like this maybe bcos lately i've been revising non stop, and I sort of meet a dead end in the cell bio part.. i really do feel like, dunno..
But, yeah, I do realise one thing, i'm good at organising things, so why don't I take a course or do a degree in that part?
Another thing, if I just want to do a degree in subject that I'm good at, I do know I will have to take equine science, i know i'm good at horsemanship. Everything abt horses and horse riding just came so naturally to me, it's always been easy for me to understand different personalities of horses and figure out their likes and dislikes, how exactly do they like to be ridden, which horses need reassurances and which ones doesn't like you to order him around. I just knew. This is also due to the training i got frm the best ever trainer, James, he and I just clicks. I really2x miss those times when I used to have riding lessons frm him. It felt just like, me, him, and the horse, in our own little world. Where everything just seems to fade away. Really miss those times...will never ever happened aagin sadly, bcos even tho now my horses (chief n kim) are still trained by him..but now he's too busy & he got too many riders and horses to trained all at once.
Anyway, ok gtg now..
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Feeling of fullfillment (?)
butterfly effect
Thursday, April 13, 2006