Today not bad :)
feel quite productive working in lib! did fungi..fungal..fungus..omg
Nice lunch at OC! + yummy choc/buttery croissant for desert/supper frm food/cherry coke hunting wit meiting, due to sheer boredom of revising..
Went to Manda's place a bit frm lib, as usual, talking2x wit her thr her window while i was waiting for the C3 bus to tk me home..can't b bothered to walk since its damn cold. pretty funny lol, since she was talking thr her bedroom window, then Pat also talked thr d living room window, and I was standing outside her flat. Not sure yet wht our plan is for Irma's bday this sunday..hmm..thinking might go n tk her clubbing since she wanted to go clubbing since ages ago, but none of us feel like going clubbing that time..
or..might go to her place in midnite..?
dunno yet..
ow..and wrote my resignation letter for VUE today..feel quite sad, but well anyhow, pretty sure nxt yr can find another part time job. I've mentioned to Magda, elena, n a few other dat i'll b leaving..they seem pretty surprised, since i just like started working there 1 month ago. manage to reassure them tht its bcos i need to go back home & egypt volunteering thingy ..not bcos i dun like working there :)
One last thing, yesterday was browsing thr frienstr..then found out tht lyss is goin out w sumone now! omg, can't believe it..for me i think i would always see her as my little sister! she's actually 16 this yr.. known her since she was 7 yrs old! (still remember those times, both of us just started learning how to ride.. had jumping lessons tgther..sleepover at her place/tasha/mine/putri/jeanne/sammy's place every weeknd.. all of us used to b so close tgther back then. Even tho our age range frm like.. 20-7 yrs old, but we spent every single minute in the stable every weekend.. lunches together/groom the horses/bathe them/gossiping in competitions..
then after Trijaya's management fell apart, we started to move to different riding clubs..and only saw each other during competitions). Me, put, n tash were still get together every now and then when I'm back home. Last summer we met up and rode together like we always used to do back then..had so much fun trying putri's new horses! ..shd do tht again this summer really.
Anyhow, yeap can't believe now she's actually alrd grown up! still rem how when we had sleepover tghter, lyss will always b d one who cuddles/snuggled close to me..
gonna go and drop her a mssg soon !
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Feel satisfied :)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, May 30, 2006