since yesterday, after the ast EB exam (which i think i did..not v,goood..but decent i guess)..i fet so damn free!!
it's like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulder..
and i can finlly breathe again :)
no need to rush back to lib
no more mugging like crazy
no more crappy food for lunch/dinner and caffeine overdose
...heavenly.... artati's place now..gonna stay here till tmr, then gonna go Manchester-York-Glasgow-Edinburgh wit Thia..then nxt week back in London for 1 day, then Egypt!!!!!!!!
Today had a nice lunch/walk2 around/coffee wit alex n good, finally..can just walk around, nice weather, talk..totaly feels like holiday.
Today checked out frm Orient, a bit sad to say goodbye to Charlotte. we grew closer these few weeks..due to exam/revision..will mmiss those long walk back to orient frm lib at nite..just talking abt random things since our brain was freaking overloaded wit exams. hehe. Yesterday, celebrated end of exam wit Manda n artai..went to Crescent (our fave place 2 drink! the best..). Then got this man (40-50ish)..bought us drinks! well...nxt time hope younger guys thn tht will buy us drinks lol...quite surprised when these 3 shots caled "irish flag" appear on our table, n the waitress said its frm the man over there. hehe. Also been shopping quite a lot this few days, as a treat for myself. Really, i think i truly never worked tht hard or study tht hard ever before. not even for a levels.
Oh..hmm another thing happend the day before yesterday. Was chatting w my ex.. realised... tht..dun think he had get over me. shoot. cos he said, after we broke up, then he got involved in sum kind of relationshp w ths girl..but neva works out, bcos, she's different than me. uh oh.not so good. well, anyhow will see him in summer.
I think you can never really be sure..u know..when u think everything is over and u had closed tht chapter in your life, then suddenly those chapter looks inviting to b opened again..but I know for now, I don't want to go and open tht chapter again. not for now.
oh well..gtg..wouldn't b updating ths blog for awhile i guess.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
butterfly effect
Saturday, June 24, 2006