in hurghada now..
got here by bus frm luxor! met this american couple, the guy so dman good in bargaining hotel prices! got 80 instd of 140 egyptian pound!! omg..me n ning are such a bad bad bargainers..
luxor so much like bali!! got nice cheap seafood!!!! ate calamari tagen..yummy....tomorrow gonna go to sharm n start our opwall diving for e next 4 weeks!!
okies..gtg now..in this interent cafe..with all e egyptian men around us lol.
Friday, July 07, 2006
butterfly effect
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Luxor -valley of kings-
In LUXOR now !!
just arrive this morning frm cairo..10 hr skleeping train, v.nice service !! hehe..
also..arr this morning here, alrd got this stupid damn guy who kept trying to pester us to go to his hotel omg damn annoying la.. then..went to visit Valley of kings, valley of kings..tutankhamun tomb!! alsp see Hatshepshut temple = magnificent!! ..then go valley of queens = see this 5 mth old mummified fetus! yuckk,,,but wow... also the heat was unbearable, scorching HOT!!! think me n ninghn also alrd got sunburnt so badly :)
think luxor much10x nicer than cairo, but ppl here are sooooooo annoying n kept hassling you if they knew u're a tourist!!..then also got very very nice hotel wit this nice view!! luxor temple and nile river in fron of our hotel!!
heading off to hurghada on friday..!!
butterfly effect
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Cairo!!! in cairo!!
We're in EGYPT!!
Ok ok.. so muchh things to tell here. not enough time i guess. hehe
basically...travelled from gatwick-sharm yesterday (1st july) wit ninghn.. took 13.55pm flight..arr in sharm at 9.15 pm. then 1st exp : horrendous toilets in e airport! oh well..then got out, all taxi drivers just swarmed at us!!! asking "taxi2..!" where to go.." ..etc..oh dear.. think got our 1st scame : got a taxi frm sharm airport - sharm naama bay bus stn : need to pay 130 Egyptian quid!! shd b only 25 leh.. oh no. anyhow.. decided to board the 11pm bus tht night to Cairo. Bus looked ok. Got in. realised only got 3 females on board (me-ning-one other). oh well. quite jittery...decided to tk turns staying awake (ok ok we sound paranoid lol). then ard 2am-3am got stranded in this stop in e middle of nowhere, think got sum prob wit bus engine... went out..realised got abt 20 : 1 male : female ratio (me-ning r e only females!). never bfore felt thjis..ermm..discriminated.. or outnumbered? the good thing they seem to ignore us anyway..
so board bus back..slept only frm 3-6am..then reach cairo 6am!!
In Cairo :
at 6am (sunday 2nd july) : got dumped at this super busy city centre..midan ramses..feeling extremely exhausted..dragged our backpacks to find a hotel. Found HOtel Luna (nice!!! lonely planet is our life saviour!!). Got sum pastries for breakfst (hvn't eaten anythg for nearly 12hrs!). then..just wander ard before finally able to check in at the hotel. the hotel looked EXTREMELY dodgy frm outside, but inside is very nice leh.. really2x. suepr nice. and cheap! also the surrounding area reminds me a lot of Blok M area back home..totally similar. then after took shower, drag our super tired body (we travelled for 25hrs straight!! record man..)..tp MISR travel to ask abt train tickets to luxor..then went egyptian museum!!
see mummies, royal mummies!! tutankhamun death mask (the best!!)..soooo many sphinx, sarcopahgus, tombs, hieroglyphs (able to fig out e meaning of few : hand-scarab-sun) !! oh well.. interesting really!!
got totally pharaoh/tombs/tutankhamun saturated at the end!!
it's totally AMAZING!!!!
buy postcards to sent back as well..
Its freakishly sweltering HOT!!! walked out to train station in Midan ramses frm e museum..omg, need to risk life/death when crossing e road! totally feel like i'm back home lol..now i know how tourists felt in jakarta..no wonder not many of them wants to go jakarta. also got taxi drivers just honking asking if we want to get a cab or not..oh so annoying la..in e end i think me n ning just looked too nice n innocent i gues : look easy to fool! no no..we're not tht easily fooled la..
Got this super sweet n cold mango juice for just 2 Equid!! super cheap!!!
everything so bloody cheap here!!!!!!
compared to UK!!
got so many cheap branded clothes la..also realised forgot to bring my nokia charger adaptor!! not good..but oh well..shd b able to last till nxt week also asked alex if he can bring adaptor. i dun mind not using mobile..but i think mom n dad will b just die of worrying la back home if i didn't txt them.
tomorrow gonna visit giza/saqarra pyramids!! wit e help frm Heba (thx dad!) ..we actually got a private tour.quite cheap!
This trip so far has been..very..interesting! this surely gonna b one unfogettable trip!
also feel damn proud of ourselves :able to find transp frm cairo, get a hotel,got train tickx to luxor..visit egyptian museum, tried a few local food.
Hey, ninghan, we're pretty good so far!!!
oh another vital things : Lonely planet guidebook & mineral water!!!
butterfly effect
Sunday, July 02, 2006