In LUXOR now !!
just arrive this morning frm cairo..10 hr skleeping train, v.nice service !! hehe..
also..arr this morning here, alrd got this stupid damn guy who kept trying to pester us to go to his hotel omg damn annoying la.. then..went to visit Valley of kings, valley of kings..tutankhamun tomb!! alsp see Hatshepshut temple = magnificent!! ..then go valley of queens = see this 5 mth old mummified fetus! yuckk,,,but wow... also the heat was unbearable, scorching HOT!!! think me n ninghn also alrd got sunburnt so badly :)
think luxor much10x nicer than cairo, but ppl here are sooooooo annoying n kept hassling you if they knew u're a tourist!!..then also got very very nice hotel wit this nice view!! luxor temple and nile river in fron of our hotel!!
heading off to hurghada on friday..!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Luxor -valley of kings-
butterfly effect
Wednesday, July 05, 2006