You know, sometimes when you are looking for something, then you think you found it..then it turns out that, yeah you did find something, but it is the fucking wrong thing. Not very good, right? no, seriously, it is not.
Well, excluding from that..I think life's been in the pretty bright side lately.. Can't believe I actually resigned from Auntie Anne after only 1 mth. This must've been one of my shortest employment record ever. but i'm honestly relieved. The job was easy, not as tiring as cinema. BUT it is boring.. long shift.. and i dunno, i just don't really enjoy doing it. It really makes me think, after i graduate.. i better do a job that i really love.. otherwise, it'll be hell as u'll be stuck doing that job for next 20-30 yrs on? so yep, i will do sth that i really like, which is any work with horses. Can't wait for Wed to get my weekly dose of horses =)
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man" -Sir Winston Churchill-
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
butterfly effect
Tuesday, October 17, 2006