I stayed at home for the whole day today, went for a run..then food shopping. Was initially contemplating to go topshop near my place, but too lazy in the end. Strangely, even tho exams are only like..2 weeks away..i can't seem to get into the studying mood yet. Which i think is really really strange for me. Usually I can get into mugging mode like..far away before the exams...maybe even like 1-2 months before.I've always been like that, always. Very weird...its not like i have too much free time as well. hmm... dunno, i just cannot get into studying mode just yet. Strange.
Yesterday i finished watching this jap series called '1 litre of tears' which makes me think ..that yeah its true that there's always sayings which said 'love yourself', 'be thankful because you are alive', etc and all that..I always read it, think 'hmm true', then forget it the straight away. After watching the movie, which was about this teenage girl fighting an incurable disease..called spinocerebellar athropy, where slowly but surely you lost the nerves in your limbs, one by one, day by day..its incurable, and can go on for years. It doesn't affect the person's mentality, but eventually they wont b able to walk or talk or even swallowing..I've been thinking, yeah its true that most of us (everyone probably) take too much things for granted. Then when its taken away from us,we realised how we should treasure it more. Even simple things, like walking..writing..waking up in the morning and well, simply realising that you are healthy and alive and young. When i was running this morning, i thought that, hey i'm lucky that i can run and have 2 healthy, fully functional legs. It is seems very cliche, but it is true. Some people out there, who is not so lucky, will fight every single day just to stay alive. They are thankful waking up each morning because they are alive. I think in a twisted way, they are lucky..because by knowing that they do not have much time left..they will live each single day to the fullest. In the end, they will have no regret. I wonder if i'm one of them..will i live my life differently? I think i will.or probably not. i dont know.
Hmm.. oh well.. and i was browsing friendster just now. And realised (again) something that i should have known or already knew perhaps. I really should keep my eyes more open from now.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
butterfly effect
Wednesday, December 27, 2006