Above are pics from last friday's kote's bday party :) ! at our flat. It was a nice, small, cosy celebration. Nice catching up with them as well. Alex and james also came, which was even nicer cos we rarely met them at all these days. I realised that i quite like having house parties..hehe its fun to invite your friends over, eat, talk n play silly games. I haven't laughed out loud so much for some time, thanks to richard's idea of one of this game, in which whatever we did should always be off the record except for kita kita.haha. Me and irma were thinking of having some more parties/gathering sort of later on before this year ends. Its funny since we live together, now i knew she's very good in sorting out electrical equipments and stuff (washing machine, wireless internet, lamps, phones etc) which im really really crap at lol. i realised this when yesterday we tried (again) to fix the (now) NEW washing machine (which still) does NOT WORK! Im still the best in cleaning though, and keeping things tidy haha. Im the cleaner, and she's the electrician :). We made a good team.