I feel like i'm being quite anti social nowadays :)
but i do like my being alone these days.. very peaceful and also productive.. cos this is the way i am used to spend my free time since i was young, being an only child it is. These days very nice, i went to the stable 3-4 times a week. When the weather was nice, i just put on my riding clothes, slip on my boots, then took the tube to the stable and ride Loki out to the woods. The exact same thing i always do whenever i'm free for this past 13 years, go and spend it with the horses :) Being alone is good when i have lots of things to do and errands to be done. After i finish all those, the feeling of satisfaction will came and i will feel very proud of myself. I guess me being a perfectionist and a multi-tasker will never change, no matter how i say i've becoming more and more lazy nowadays. Anyway, studying with irma was good! very productive i must say. Since my room was cold and hers didnt have big enough desk..we were commited to study in the living room together most of the time. I like to spend time in a comfortable silence like that..or silence in any kind. I prefer silence because that way i can feel the presence of time much better.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
butterfly effect
Thursday, March 22, 2007