omg aku senang! bsok jumat akhirnya dibales juga tu email yang gw tunggu2 dari jaman jebot.. senang tapi serem juga.Akhirnya! kynya bisa aja dia uda sebel kali gara2 gw email mulu uda bbrp kali gara2 ga dibales2.huhu. keren..gile tadi gw liat research dia, trus dia banyak ngeluarin jurnal yg menarik abis. oh well, ada banyak list of things to do yang mesti gw selesaiin sebelum jumat!
1.selesaiin tugas mt
2.lab report
3.blajar blajar (yg ini harus n mesti!) ttg area research nya dia.. kalo ga matilah gw kalo dia nanya2 n gw ga bisa jawab apa2.
Ayo semangat ..pokoknya gw ga boleh males2an utk bbrp hari ini!
Indonite yesterday was ok, i think last year's better (or maybe cos last year i was performing haha). We (last year's crew) was reminiscing yesterday, and how good it was that this year we can just sit back and watched our juniors performing. The play went rather er spicy this year. Due to certain actors which just seems to make the story line a bit rather diverged from its intended path haha. It was quite enjoyable, not to mention especially for the guys. Met few ppl whom i worked with last year, and realised i didnt actually ever saw them since last year's indonite. But oh well, i must say that good job for all the guys. Baim,abang,ijal,vandy,ardi etc.. you all really entertain us with your performances :) ! and long time never heard irma sing too! irma.bubu.kresna, really very nice songs you all sang and played too :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
butterfly effect
Tuesday, March 13, 2007