Omg, today was such a GOOD day!
Yesterday night went to mini juch wit charlotte, mimi, miriam and all to celebrate yet another "I love me day" (again one of nina's excellent idea) to watch dvd's and bake cookies and brownies and basically spent the night indulging ourselves with chocolates and sweets lol
To start off today, i rode Loki in the morning and schooled him over poles..he behaved perfectly! happy. Then went to manda's house to play basketball during lunchtime :) we both haven't played in ages!! played with manda, hank,& ritch...sooooo gooodd! i swear im so gonna play basketball again next year. miss it so much! Stop by in VUE on the way home, and so happen magda was working :) ! chat a bit, she's leaving this thursday too. Went home, feeling very hungry and sleepy (me and manda decided we're both damn unfit cos we're dying after playing for only like 30 mins! to think we used to play 2-3 times a week, for hours each time..oh dear), i fell asleep on the bus listening to my favourite new soundtrack from goong. And to add the happiness of the day, i met both dian and inka on msn just now :) we havent met face-to-face since 2 yrs ago..cos we're never back in indo at the same times of the year! :( so funny cos just now we were in reminiscing mode, thinking back to all those times we've known each other over these 15 years. And we got to the point where we're thinking if we have children in the future, then we can match-make them if we have boys and girls! lol yeah right, children..maybe we should go find ourselves a boyfriend first haha. Quite amazing, i've known them practically since i can start clearly remembering things and events.. cos they say that our actual memory will only start to establish properly since we're about 5-6 yrs old right..and before that we cant really remember things clearly, like when we were babies. oh well, friends are like shoes.. the older they are, it just fits more and more nicely (quoted from dian), i love u both guys :)
Ok, now back to work!
my mind is cleared up!!
playing for 1/2 a day really helps!!
To start off today, i rode Loki in the morning and schooled him over poles..he behaved perfectly! happy. Then went to manda's house to play basketball during lunchtime :) we both haven't played in ages!! played with manda, hank,& ritch...sooooo gooodd! i swear im so gonna play basketball again next year. miss it so much! Stop by in VUE on the way home, and so happen magda was working :) ! chat a bit, she's leaving this thursday too. Went home, feeling very hungry and sleepy (me and manda decided we're both damn unfit cos we're dying after playing for only like 30 mins! to think we used to play 2-3 times a week, for hours each time..oh dear), i fell asleep on the bus listening to my favourite new soundtrack from goong. And to add the happiness of the day, i met both dian and inka on msn just now :) we havent met face-to-face since 2 yrs ago..cos we're never back in indo at the same times of the year! :( so funny cos just now we were in reminiscing mode, thinking back to all those times we've known each other over these 15 years. And we got to the point where we're thinking if we have children in the future, then we can match-make them if we have boys and girls! lol yeah right, children..maybe we should go find ourselves a boyfriend first haha. Quite amazing, i've known them practically since i can start clearly remembering things and events.. cos they say that our actual memory will only start to establish properly since we're about 5-6 yrs old right..and before that we cant really remember things clearly, like when we were babies. oh well, friends are like shoes.. the older they are, it just fits more and more nicely (quoted from dian), i love u both guys :)
Ok, now back to work!
my mind is cleared up!!
playing for 1/2 a day really helps!!