I got headache just now..a really bad one. didnt know why, so decided to take aspirin. bad bad.. have to get better soon. i was having yet another lazy sunday today, wandering around covent garden and had yummy okonomiyaki for lunch. im seriously getting broke soon since i havent cooked in a week and keep buying takeaways or eating outside or sometime irma/hazwan cook for me. argh..5 more days until exams will finally start! im having a moment of panic attack this afternoon in library, when i realised i have no clue what does cowpea mosaic virus and murine leukemia virus actually do. and it doesnt help that ive been having this stupid headache too. i should go to sleep soon i guess. and tomorrow wake up nice and early, go to library, attend the finance training for club officer, meet up with scott, sort out accomodation. longg long day tomorrow :( i want to go home!! boredom..and just getting quite fed up with studying really. At least on a happier note, i like my new camera phone!! the pic it takes are damn nice (see above), and even faster to upload to my laptop compared using normal camera! and i really should start saving money otherwise i will seriously live on instant noodles for the next 6 weeks until i go home. stop shopping. reduce eating out. sadly, i cant help but thinking that i deserve a nice yummy dinner at the end of the day after ive been revising for the whole day. sigh..indulgence.