Happy 22nd to you! ur the best :) !! it was quite an unexpected surprise, due to some sudden change of plans. but ohwells, we spend the night in a small cosy celebration, with cakes and ice creams and late night movies :)

Pretty, aren't they? from kew gardens as well, will take more pictures but sadly my camera battery died :(

Okay, i guess im just so damn bored with ..i dont even know why im bored. so i decided to put up random collection of photos that sums up whts been happening these last few weeks to me. im just killing time to wait so i can call dian back home in indo, hmm another hour..what to do. btw, equus is good! quite rare for me to like a certain play, due to the fact that i fell asleep watching moulin rouge, chicago, and phantom of the opera. but i enjoyed equus, it was a nice play and i can relate very well to alan strang's character as it was portrayed as someone who worshipped horses, but in a strangely twisted way. anyway, i like it.