Girrafe (girraffe?) has THE most beautiful eyelashes, I swear. and they look so docile, cant believe they are actually can be more violent than a horse..which is the reason human cant domesticate them

a very cute butt of an Okapi! i thought it was a zeedonk at first (a zeedonk = a cross between a zebra and donkey, and yes it does exist)

Tour de France, when they had this french village thingy in Hyde Park.. (= lots of french snacks)
I got a sore throat and slightly runny nose..and my flight is in less than 24 hours. not a very good news, but i'm happy indeed. Finally time to go back home!! Also yesterday I had a really good time in London Zoo!! I cant believe i didnt go there before.. its not a spectacular zoo or anything, ive been to some bigger zoos with more animals before, but I really had fun watching the animals. Just stand there and watch the girrafe walked slowly, docilely.. watched the gorilla sit still.. the (ew) anaconda snake try to eat its dinner (a mice, double ew). Although i feel like slapping some of the visitors sometime who uses bright flash to take pics of the animals, or who kept knocking or talking loudly around the cages! Each animal got their own caretaker, so the caretaker gets to know their animal really well.. it sounds like a fun job :) it shouldnt be too different than being a groom or owning a horse rite, basically u should clean their shit, feed them, and get to know them well so if they are sick..or look off, you can tell instantly. I imagine it will be nice to have this kind of connection with big//'wild' animal maybe? imagine having the same bond or trust you used to have with your horse, but this time it is with a girrafe or an elephant maybe? Thanks mimi for the free tickets!! :) :) and I love, love my new haircut! she's one of the very few hairdresser who manage to cut my look-straight-but-actually-wavy hair nicely :) (tambahan bwt ti, iyah yang tkg cuci rambut lutju yahh heheh..)