Monday, July 09, 2007

The one with the kids

Today was a rather interesting day i must say. Especially since its ONLY Monday, but i'm bloody knackered already. It started off pretty normal, me helping Carina and Dr.Ho and all running their last course. which is hands-on cardiac morphology (yes, hands-ON, not hands-OFF like a certain delegate has refereed to other courses as). Then when i stepped into the office this morning, suddenly i got an assignment to babysit these two cute german kids during my lunchbreak, since their mum is one of the tutor for the course. Sooo...along i went with them during lunchtime to Sloane Sq, regretting all the way why i never continue to learn German. I managed to stutter a few words of german to them, enough to make them understand that 'we are going to the park', 'play there for one hour', 'will bring you back to your mummy after', that sort of thing. Lucky Carina was there with me too, and she's great with children. Too bad David left last week, otherwise me and him can both bring the kids since he, as Carina does, is also good with children. Me? don't ask..children for me are strange creatures. I'd rather have someone ask me to babysit their pets anytime of the day, whatever pet it is. A horse or a dog? yes very much welcome, a rabbit or chicken maybe? sure why not.. a snake, tarantula, spider, or lizard? no problem at all. Yes bring me all kinds of animals, i'd rather watch them compared to kids (human kids of course). Dont get me wrong here, its not like i hate kids.. i dont really. Its just i dont know how to interact with them, how to approach and talk to them. This may sound very weird as most girls or women i know are totally in love with kids.. whilst, not really. Kids are not my specialty. Being brought up as an only child, as well being one of the younger generation amongst my cousins has not given me much chance of babysitting younger family members or cousins. Most of my younger cousins are just babies when i left Indo to come to UK..and they hardly recognise me now when i went home for holidays. I gave kids riding lessons, but they are different because they are on horses. Hmm..guess i need to learn how to interact with children more. I never really realised this side of me until today really. a bit funny..and slightly worrying at the same time since i do want to have kids someday, maybe.