This morning I woke up groggily as usual around 5am..throw some proper clothes on and went down to catch the 5.30 am tube (one more plus point of my new flat : tube station is literally just downstairs! yay). I was actually thinking to catch the later tube because there is no sunlight until 7.05 but oh well i was thinking to just spend the time waiting with Loki inside his warm stable. Arrived at the stable, took Loki out and tied him up outside while I mucked out his stable. And here's the funny thing.. it was so windy and the sound of the wind blowing was quite scary. I could swear that Loki was looking at me with big-puppy-eyed stare which seemed to say "Can I go back into my warm nice and comfy stable pretty pleeassee..?". It strikes me as funny because usually he acts so high and mighty when he was tied up outside, but this morning he just looked at me pleadingly to be allowed back into his box. Of course I ignored his stares, but I kept talking to him whilst I was mucking out his he's always been a scaredy cow when it comes to windy moments. Anyway, all turns out well in the end and we had a good one-hour flatwork. After a good ride is one of the moments when I feel the greatest :)
happy.. what a nice Saturday :)