Irma managed to get me having my nails done for the very first time EVER in my life today! well basically she managed to book a place for both of us in topshop powder room, in which we each had a two-hour slot and we can get our hair/nails/make up/skin done for FREE :) ! great isn't it?? they should do this more often man...
anyhow, yeaps there we went.. me feelin quite excited and curious at what people actually do in salons, and why they seem to love spending hours to get their nails done etc (i do like going to salons, but only for hair..never before ive been bothered to get anything else done). It was indeed a nice small secluded-ish place, tucked in the basement floor of topshop. we sat down, the receptionist took our coats, gave us firefly drinks in which i love. then off i got my skin done, eyes done (this lady from shu uemura give me tips in wht colors can suit me..yay..usually am quite lazy to experience wt eyeshadow, i love pink/gold-ish eyes and thats all the colors ive ever put on my eyes ever once in awhile). I got my hair styled in a flicked-up style as well which seems like the best option since my hair has not been touched by any hairdresser for about 3 months now sadly, the last time i got this nice bob,,but now the ends are long-ish and in need of a proper trim. Manicure too! it was surprisingly quite fast and got a clear pink shiny polish on the tips of my nails. So..after 2 hourse we then emerged looking quite refresehed, and I must say i quite enjoy it really. will ask irma to drag me along next time she do this again haha... ...
Oh term ends yesterday and we had one of the most enjoyable end of term ever :) Our applied ecology course convenor, Simon Leather, took us to the london zoo to have our last lectures.. and some behind-the-scene bugs research (we saw this cool hissing bugs!). And the most surprising part, he actually gave us presents and awards of all sorts ..so everyone got some kind of awards for partaking the course (i got best poster 3rd place, not bad eh..hehe...got chocolates). he gave books, waterstones vouchers, medals etc. Seriously, during my 3 yrs in imperial now..this is one hell of a great example of a course convenor who actually really cares for his students :) he's also very appoachable, made the course very interactive. and even though I admit this course was very very hard due to the amount of courseworks which was insane, with me sleeping for 3-4 hours or even no sleep at all in the past week to chase all the deadlines..plus the statistics which kind of overwhelm me since i never touch stat at all since 1st..one word : I learn a hell lot from this AE course. A LOT.
Then yesterday finished off with having dinner together at my flat ;) i somehow decided to invite a few ppl over for dinner, then panicking afterwards on what to cook. not that i didnt like cooking, but i only cook for myself so i dont really care if the food sometimes didnt taste too good as long as its edible..but seeing that i need to cook for my friends, so i decided to put an effort hehe.. it turns out well! and the salmon turns out fine too which was good (trims ti hehe..tipsmu bermanfaat! dahulu aku uda 3-4 kali bikin tp crumbs nya ga lengket gitu). the apple crumble can came out better, will try to experiment more hehe.. anyways, now the fridge is empty completely..except for milk. lol. glad tht ppl came and enjoy the food yesterday!! ninghn nina simon rea meli louisa ,,come again okkk haha