Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My timetable for the rest of this week

Okay, sleeping for 11 hours straight last night was probably not such a good idea after all. It left me feeling lethargic throughout the whole day today actually. And I've been in school from 8.30-5 pm now.. Wanna go home but have to go to LSE for rehearsal. Arghh why do I let Silvia talk me into participating (again) in Indo nite this yearr.... at least we're doing the Saman dance in which i dont mind doing cos we dont have to wear kebaya (i cant fit into mine anymore, the last time i wore it was like in 1st year concord...when i was still thin enough haha..but seriously it doesnt fit me anymore sigh). Anyway, panic mode will be on very VERY soon because me and louisa is still in 0 % in doing our NGF project !!!
then tomorrow all day competing in UCL.. bday dinner at night with simon and louisa
then thursday gonna watch lion king..
then friday another rehearsal in LSE
then saturday riding and basketball and cny dimsum
omg when the hell will i find time to do proper work!!
panic mode : ON