Sandy beach!! and it was longg...stretched for 2miles or so..

This is interesting : the square-ish pool u see on the left hand side is a 'bathing pool' that was used by some reverends to swam and by public in the old days. and the rocky cliff on the right hand side is the 'witches cliff' where they used to kill the ppl who were suspected to be witches ...they throw them down the cliff and before that hanged them on the hill beside it..

Just came back from St Andrews :)
thanks david for letting us crash ur place for three days hehe..in return we cooked for you and you have enough food to last u for weeks i think. The train ride was surprisingly not as long as I expected, probably bcos we took the train with the fewest stops so it only took us abt 5 hrs to get there from Kings cross. The St Andrew town itself is really a uni town..its a bit like a huge boarding school with the halls and various departments scattered all around the town itself. The best part ? i LOVE the beach!! yeah in the years ive been here, yesterday was the very first time i came across a pure sandy beach in UK. it was niceee...and the wind was strong but it was sunny. How i envy david who told me he goes for runs along the beach x( well i got the river here but still...run along the beach! i want to. Ahh going out of London feels so SO good..see, after 2 yrs in concord i miss the city life so i went to london..now almost 3 yrs in london i start to miss the fields, the trees, the sheeps.. we, humans, are just never satisfied arent we ..hmm. Oh ya on additional note, finally im able to see st andrews becos ive been wanting to go there ever since i know prince william used to study there xp
oh well, good trip, excellent company :) im happy and yeah back to revision starting tomorrow !!