"You can't damage people by taking away something they do NOT value"
I like that sentence, taken from Introduction to Environmental Economics textbook that I am currently reading (yeah, sad fact.. i do start my reading before the term officially starts). Economics, it is a strange world. So different from the world of biology where it is full of facts. In fact, I found similarities between econs and ecology..they are both subjects with a lot of theories and assumptions and models, but frankly people can just do whatever they want without obeying the laid out rules and models. And it made me question myself, will I ever actually try to 'damage' a person by taking away something they value? tempting at times. Do I have the heart to? maybe not.
Anyway, i love being alone in my flat tonight :) Somehow everyone is out ever since I came back this evening (horrible journey home fyi. Bus 360 brokedown and we have to wait until the next bus came. No victoria line today. It was COLD outside).
Work shifts been unexpectedly enjoyable, made a few new friends and have good chats in between :) I met Heather and John today as well in South Ealing for a quick chat over coffee.. they are doing well and I do plan to visit them in Shrewsbury sometime soon before they are moving to Leipzig. Can't believe almost four years have passed since I left Concord though, and sometimes memories are too real for you to remember that the moments have passed. long ago.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
butterfly effect
Saturday, October 04, 2008