I've officially GRADUATED :)
Okays i don't actually FEEL like a graduant. but anyways the graduation day was fun, indeed it was tiring though! didn't know that graduation can be so exhausting :P but I admit it was a happy occassion for me.
(but next time if i got graduation ceremony, i will wear shoes with THICK heels! ok i dont hate my shoes becos its nice and smart looking, but the longest im ever wear that shoes again will not exceeded 2 hours! or i will only wear it again if I know I am going to spend most of my time sitting down. seriously.)
I feel so loved on the day too!!
My parents are there..my dear bio course mates all there.. then my flatmates gave me a surprise cake and card...my cousin came from Brighton especially for the dinner... t.Ingrid & o.Indrawan gave me a keyring with my initials on it... then a few old friends congratulated me by texts/and various means.
Happy graduation friends!!!
Some of you I may will not meet again, and some of you will still be around
anyways, whenever and wherever if our paths ever cross again, I hope we can look back on the memories and smile :)