Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just another summer day

Unplanned days can *and it usually always is..99.99999 % of the time* turns out to be one of the best days :)
Well, initially today my initial plan was only to help Carina by making her bedframe & made dumplings at her place with Simon. Initial plan to get to hers by 1-2pm, but had to make it earlier thus was there by 12pm. Had lunch. Made the bedframe (more like staring actually, Simon made the rest). Then as the weather was SO nice, thus we decided to go out :)
to..Richmond Park!!!
I've been to Richmond Park twice but never by public transport (1st time-cycled there with Ninghan, 2nd time-by car with Dr Lamb). It was SUCH a nice place to stroll around slowly on foot.. we took the footpaths off the main road :) Saw the red deers, and sat atop a hill overlooking West London. Neighbourhood and Richmond high street area were also really very pretty. Loves it a lot. Day ends by having dinner in Korean village (yes there is one! in Wimbledon area there.. well to be exact its called New Malden High St). Then the best part is as we were rushing to get on the District Line from Wimbledon station (with me already expecting at LEAST one hour journey to get back home as there is no Victoria line this weeken @_@..)...tadaaaa...I suddenly saw an overground train that says : "London Waterloo via Vauxhall" - i was like, wohoooo... hopped on the train, and in 15min I was already in Vauxhall (its 4 stops away from Wimbledon) hohoho.