Sometimes. People you thought you know well. Actually you don't. And the ones you thought know you less, actually knows you more. Confusing statements? My answer would only be 'been there, done that'. And not just once, twice !! twice in the span of three days. Thank goodness you came for a visit yesterday. Cheers me up and made me calmer :)
I am not in the brightest mood these days, and no don't worry i'm not depressed. I'm just being sentimental.. and missing home a lot too. Strange huh, the me I know for the past seven years hardly (if ever) misses home. Perhaps the fact that Irma is actually going back home for good does actually made me realize how long have I myself been away from home. Seven years hmm.. I wonder at times, that the ones who made your world are your friends. Many of my good friends are no longer here in London.. many have moved on, graduated, found a job, get married. Ok, more than half ARE still here though. I wonder where will I be on this day, a year on.
Monday, November 16, 2009
That is twice in a week
butterfly effect
Monday, November 16, 2009