This weekend is a rather quiet one.
The pics abova are pics from Richmond Park !!! last sunday, me n ninghan cycled there. Me on Michael's bike, Ninghan on Daryl's. Somehow we end up in Wimbledon common, had lunch n tea at the windmill cafe (yeap a windmill), and wondering how on earth there are no signs of Richmond park. On our way back home, somehow we stumbled upon one of the real Richmond park entrance and we went 'aha!'.
Well, all in all last week was undoubtedly a very very Sunday ! :)
This week did nothing much, been spending the whole weekend reading up on books abt human sexual essay : Should Men be Unfaithful ?. somehow yet I really am enjoying myself doing research for this topic. Unlike the usual, dreadful times I tried to read on books abt topic that I did not enjoy :)
so goodie..hehe
Yesterday I chat on msn with him, somehow, I was really enjoying his company that time (chatting). I actually thought abt him quite a lot these few days, to b honest, i missed him. Yeap, I do. but no, I don't want to get back together w him, and we both know it just won't work for now. Considering both of us were like, busy all the time. Will be unfair to both of us even if we tried to make it work.
Anyway, yeah i admit i do miss him.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
A rather quiet weekend
butterfly effect
Sunday, March 12, 2006