Finally !
Had a good,proper weekend this week :)
Friday : went to dinner with all the indo nite commitee ppl at vandy & cassie as well.nice dinner (free food hehe). Then went to ciao bar for huge ice-creams afterwards. Got a good laugh & chat etc. Plus my camera took a plunge into Eko's ferrero-rocher ice cream It was hilarious! Took loads of pic ! (eg : the pic above! Jose-Christy-me-Eko,,,blisfully entranced in ice-cream heaven :)
Saturday : Kote's bday party dinner at Hank's place in Canary Wharf ! everyone there except Jose-Achmad-Jon-Boy. Ate,drink,gossiping, talk2x. Actually talked quite a lot with Lita, n found out abt her doll-collection passion. The dolls are so very very pretty! seriously, was imagining they would b scary looking dolls (eg: Bride of Chucky), but no, her dolls are so lovely !!
Went back so late, so sleepover at Manda's as usual :)
oh and we dressed kote as a girl!
Sunday : woke up 1/2 alive at 9.30, drag myself back home to take a shower etc. Everyone still dead asleep when I left. Had a really nice yummy sukiyaki don at Sakura with Daryll :)
Then met up with Artati in Picadilly, ate ice cream again in Ciao Bar (order 2 very yummy, choc & berry ice cream!) .
Talked a lot with Daryll, it was really nice meeting up with her again after so long. She's still exactly the same as the last time i saw her. N was happy to hear that she's loving it in Belfast so much. Tried to recall abt wht happened with us back then, but it was so silly lar, we just couldn't actually remember what caused it all that time!
Swap lab stories, n talked abt all d new ppl we met, reminsicing concord 6.1 times.. those times wit our chem class plot, coti/frog with me, late-nite horror movies,rambling/mysterious guy when we walked out that time (creepy!), measuring grass, field trip, set 5, as english analysis thingy, talking thr our walls etc etc it seriously was damn good talking with her again.
Went back to artati's place , Satrio was there as well : she dyed & cut my hair! brown ish, looking good baby !
A good weekend! so long since I had a proper weeknd, the last time was when me & ninghan went to richmond parK!
~~LiFe is SeRiouSly gOoD~~
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Ice cream weekend ! *
butterfly effect
Sunday, March 19, 2006