This weekdn so busy..
work friday-sunday and library and revise and
Today was damn crowded, n somehow Mil forgot to put 2 ppl in box off, so only me alone did the box queque soo long! lucky Mil came n help out, otherwise will just die of sheer exhaustion hoho..
Btw, dad called..told me Brino was sick. so sad.. wish i can still see him again.. he's been wit me practically more than half of my life ! got him when i was 9 yrs old i think..
that's the sad thing of having a pet.. u love them so much, but got so sad when they got sick.. :(
Sunday, April 30, 2006
butterfly effect
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Interesting lectures today frm Armand Leroi, abt limb formation.
Just crossed my mind that we're really lucky to be born healthy (as in wit complete limbs etc)..bcos so many many things can go wrong & it's all one hell of a complicated process.
l.o.v.e your body = eat well + sleep enough + exercise more
Oh and also talked a lot wit Juan & Amber yesterday, made me realise other things, we're lucky (put it, unbelieveably lucky) to b able to study in uni. esp.imperial & in london. which is like, one of the best science university in UK. Lots of ppl dun hv chance like this, so make the most of it & don't waste it.
"Luck is when careful preparation meets a chance"
"If you fail to prepare, then you prepare to fail"
(actually those two sayings made me more stressed thinking abt revision)
..been spending abt 3 hrs just browsing, slacking..
better get back to work!
Manda did her 1st exam yesterday alrd, arghhhh...why bio exams are like, so damn late!!! (actually, biochem is as late as bio, Nicholas told me this morning).
butterfly effect
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
worked this weekend.. did all 3 : box off/concessions/floor.
and when I was cleaning the screen yesterday, suddenly this nostalgic memory just came up..sweet memories in cinema long time ago.
butterfly effect
Sunday, April 23, 2006
End of freedom
Haven't write in a while..
since last week got so busy, Silvia & Diana were here (staying at my place) for a a week :)
Felt a bit bad can't accompny them everyday, btu we went out this one day..lunch wit all the girls * dinner wit all the guys, damn fun! Darius was hilarious,c an't stop laughing for one whole nite !!
Then we went for lots of nice meals..jap,chinese,ice creams, etc.
Yesterday I worked from 6.30-2 am in the morning! thx God Andrew helped me with the closing, otherwise i think i will be just dead seriously. It was fun tho, since everyone was so friendly :) but it really was tiring, imagine standing up for 8 hrs straight, no break, since it was hectic & busy yesterday.
Oh & I read finished 'Tuesday's with Morrie", that book is AMAZING. a must read for everyone!!
"Love wins. Love always wins"
"Accept what you are able to do and what you don't"
butterfly effect
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Tuesday's with Morrie
Been reading Mitch Albom's "Tuesday's with Morrie" these few days..
very meaningful book !
makes me think abt lots of things.
Morrie said to Mitch : "Every single day, when you wake up..asks yourself : 'Is today the day? , Am I doing all I need to be doing ? Am I being the person I want to be?'
butterfly effect
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Feeling of fullfillment (?)
Really2x..truly..physically exhausted today!!
went to Westway Stable in the morning..muck out 6 stables from 9-2 pm (5 hrs straight, wit like, 5 min break to get a drink and ate my apple).
Groomed some..talked2x to a guy (dunno who his name is, but his daughter was there for the pony day)..get to know Rheana & Dan. Sarah came by in lunchtime.
Rode Sparky in the afternoon, he got spooked by a plastic bag in the arena, but he was by far the most comfy pony I tried there ! so smooth (eg : smooth stride).
So exhausted when i went back (arrive home at 7pm ish, bloody bus 391 was late again). but feeling rested and happy. I think i really do have a physical craving to be near horses to calm me down :)!*
Anyway, been thinking a bit.. it just suddenly occured to me on the bus on the way home today... it's just, what i've always been good at ? i sort of asked myself this question..then i realised, what i've ALWAYS been good at is organising things & be a leader (don't mean to sound like a show off, but i know i AM good in organising things). Ever since I was in primary school, i always been elected as head class, head prefect, head of student body etc.. and i always loved it so much! i love being in an organisation, i love working with ppl & especially leading ppl (not in a bossy sort of way), but i do know I have a decent enough leadership abilities. Ok so what makes me think abt this all of a sudden?
Its just...I do like biology, but somehow, i got this feeling that this is not what I shd be doing. I like it, but i'm not exceptionally good at it. And frankly, with a bio degree..its pretty tough to find a good job really. So i've been thinking..maybe..I had chosen a wrong course? there is a probablity that the reason I feel like this maybe bcos lately i've been revising non stop, and I sort of meet a dead end in the cell bio part.. i really do feel like, dunno..
But, yeah, I do realise one thing, i'm good at organising things, so why don't I take a course or do a degree in that part?
Another thing, if I just want to do a degree in subject that I'm good at, I do know I will have to take equine science, i know i'm good at horsemanship. Everything abt horses and horse riding just came so naturally to me, it's always been easy for me to understand different personalities of horses and figure out their likes and dislikes, how exactly do they like to be ridden, which horses need reassurances and which ones doesn't like you to order him around. I just knew. This is also due to the training i got frm the best ever trainer, James, he and I just clicks. I really2x miss those times when I used to have riding lessons frm him. It felt just like, me, him, and the horse, in our own little world. Where everything just seems to fade away. Really miss those times...will never ever happened aagin sadly, bcos even tho now my horses (chief n kim) are still trained by him..but now he's too busy & he got too many riders and horses to trained all at once.
Anyway, ok gtg now..
butterfly effect
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I feel at peace now with all the stuff..and can finally accept it :)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Back in London now!
Had a greaattt time in edinburgh :)
the pics above are of me & pang, super sunny after like snow/hail storm 10 min before (yeap, we're soo 'lucky' to get the lovely wind/snow/hail storm !)..and the other one was in front of the castle (while waiting for my dad to choose which whisky to buy).
Wish could stay longer there! and yep i will surely come again ( and krispy kremes!) to visit and disturb pang nice to talk n spend time wit her, really felt like all those sweet old times in concord :)
Today went to IC, swim & library..did some catch up wit revision (since ..i've been salcking this whole week haha). Then met up wit mom n dad for lunch at Four Season (yummyyy)..met Fofo, SY, YS, alice, ian (ex-concordian) there as well. Met up wit Mita at the hotel as well...(hmm good idea to go to Brighton and visit her someday!).
Anyway, yep yesterday gw msg dia gt nanya knp kt putus n gw jg bilang kl slama ini gw ms care ma dia lbh dr temen (trus yg ada tadi gw bener2x takut/deg2an gt mo baca reply dari dia..bego abis). Trus akhirnya gw baca jg tu reply dr dia, n dia blg kl itu bener emang mslh jarak n satu lagi, kt ber2 ga pinter komunikasi..iya sih stlh gw pikir2x emang komunikasi kt bener2x ga jalan abis. Satu lagi, kt ber2 pgn ngrasain yg nmnya jadian tp bkn ld gt. Yep bener jg krn so far kt ber2 blm perna yg nmnya jadian yg bkn ld gt..en iya bgt gw jg g mau ld lagi kl dsuruh ato dminta skrg juga gw ga mau. Lalu dia jg blg, emang ada org ld yg sukses gt tp makan biaya gede, kl utk itu gw g gt stuju..krn sbenernya kl itu juga bisa diusahain kl emang mau n niat.iya ga sih, kya gw aja beli kartu tlpn dsini emang nya bisa lah kalo itu, trus kan ada msn n email jg gt skrg. Tapi y uda lah toh smua itu skrg jg uda lewat. Uda ga bisa diapa2in lagi,mgk emang bener kl wkt itu gw lbh komunikasi ma dia...smuanya mgk ms bs dbenerin. tp y apa bole buat, n gw jg g nyesel ko pts ma dia..utk skrg y gini lah yg trbaik bwt kt bedua.
butterfly effect
Monday, April 10, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I'm in Edinburgh!!
arrived yesterday by n dad stayed at their hotel, Ramada. I stay at Pang's place. Rain so hard when we came..went back to Pang's place after stopping by at Shuhei's place to get the sleeping bag. Cooked jap burger for dinner, looked damn pretty wit all d salad n french bread hehe..
Shu, Alex, Tetsuro came for dinner. Talked2x..shd go to Brighton someday !
Watched Brokeback at nite! disturbing images at 1st, but they looked sweet in the end, jake gyllenhall is so cute ! "I wish I knew how to quit you" (Jack Twist, Brokeback Mountain)
Krispy Kremes for breakfast..went to castle. Exp 4 season in 1 day! rain-sun-snow storm-sunny again..damn. Ate super nice lunch at this cafe at the castle, seafood at Elepahant Cafe (where JK rowling wrote HP!!)..went back order pizza. dye pang's hair purple!
butterfly effect
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Westway Stable !! :)
Westway stable !! yipee..
ok..I found an advert in Imp Volunteer Centre : a stable hand is needed in Westway Stable, near Latimer Road tube stn, very very excited, immediately contactted IVC and asked for Westway's contact the details, called Sarah Tuvey (the owner), she said ok just come anytime..
Went there on Thursday, got a bit lost on the way..turns out it is situated in Westway Sports Centre!!!
underneath the flyover! still amazes me how the hell the horses get used to the noise, mine will go absolutely bonkers there. :)
Met Sarah, v.friendly, showed me ard & introduce all the horses to me :). Met Jane (othe volunteer), Robert (Poland guy, he lives there), Tamara (16 yr old, German?, works there).
Stay there and help mucking out (=cleaning the stables, changing straws, bedding, threw away the soiled & wet bedding etc), groomed the horses, went back home absolutely exhausted! but happy!!
p.s : took 1 hr by bus 295 frm Orient, or 30 min by tube.
Went there again yesterday morning..frm 9-3 pm :) help muck out, groom , clean etc.. (what a workout! basically, my body ached all over, from shoveling all the straws etc..been awhile since i used to do that back in Heather's place in Shrewsbury).
Rode Bonnie! she was FUN! either she went extremely FAST or very SLOW... Sue also rode Rosie (other volunteer).
Oh and the dogs there are extremely hyper active but friendly !! :) hehe..
plus I denoted Paddy as my fave horse now :) and Sparky ..and Tinkie
Spice is so cute, tri-coloureed, but she IS a mare really..all cranky sometime.
Also been to library everytime after I came back from the stable..really help me to concentrate more (after working with the horses) :) !!
Ok, gtg//in library as well now..(might as well call librar my 2nd home these days) ..i've been spending like.4-8 hrs every single day here since holiday started haha..
butterfly effect
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Westway Stable !! :)
Westway stable !! yipee..
ok..I found an advert in Imp Volunteer Centre : a stable hand is needed in Westway Stable, near Latimer Road tube stn, very very excited, immediately contactted IVC and asked for Westway's contact the details, called Sarah Tuvey (the owner), she said ok just come anytime..
Went there on Thursday, got a bit lost on the way..turns out it is situated in Westway Sports Centre!!!
underneath the flyover! still amazes me how the hell the horses get used to the noise, mine will go absolutely bonkers there. :)
Met Sarah, v.friendly, showed me ard & introduce all the horses to me :). Met Jane (othe volunteer), Robert (Poland guy, he lives there), Tamara (16 yr old, German?, works there).
Stay there and help mucking out (=cleaning the stables, changing straws, bedding, threw away the soiled & wet bedding etc), groomed the horses, went back home absolutely exhausted! but happy!!
p.s : took 1 hr by bus 295 frm Orient, or 30 min by tube.
Went there again yesterday morning..frm 9-3 pm :) help muck out, groom , clean etc.. (what a workout! basically, my body ached all over, from shoveling all the straws etc..been awhile since i used to do that back in Heather's place in Shrewsbury).
Rode Bonnie! she was FUN! either she went extremely FAST or very SLOW... Sue also rode Rosie (other volunteer).
Oh and the dogs there are extremely hyper active but friendly !! :) hehe..
plus I denoted Paddy as my fave horse now :) and Sparky ..and Tinkie
Spice is so cute, tri-coloureed, but she IS a mare really..all cranky sometime.
Also been to library everytime after I came back from the stable..really help me to concentrate more (after working with the horses) :) !!
Ok, gtg//in library as well now..(might as well call librar my 2nd home these days) ..i've been spending like.4-8 hrs every single day here since holiday started haha..
butterfly effect
Saturday, April 01, 2006