K, haven't wrote in a few days..not bcos I was too busy, more like bcos I was slacking! hehe..
Last Wed-Thurs-Fri the weather's been damn nice!!!!!
Can like, sunbathe every 10-11am break + lunchtime.. lying on the grass in Queen's Lawn!! sooo relaxing lol. Can't believe they even plan to build sth ON Queen's Lawn! no pls.. it's like the only green spot left in IC :(
Wed : watch MI3 wit Ninghan, alex..junk food fiesta! chips/guacamole/popcorn..
talk2x at Brogan's pub till pretty late.. haha got debate bwn near neutral vs neutral evolution!
Thurs : Went jogging in Hyde park at 7am in the morning!!! Omg, it feels damn good..wit Anikha & Mimi. Can't believe how I used to woke up at 6 and jog at 7an every single day back in concord! Hardly did anymore since I'm here..mostly just jog in the afternoon ...only got time to jog in the morning every weeknd. Missed it actually. I think exercising in the morning really wakes me up,like totally..shd try do that a bit more often nxt week ;)
Fri : nothing much..work in Lib..lying on grass..work at Box at nite..
Sat : today : got GREAT NEWS in the morning from Dad !! Kim n Chief had a double clear round today!! (fyi : they're both competing this week, Steven rode Chief, Ferry rode Kim).. feeling mighty proud like a parent!! I miss competing & exercising them so much !! am a bit horse-deprived lately..
Then tonite, work as usual..after that went to Lloyd's Bar (I almost can't get in..! looked to young , lucky i got my railway card, which got my birthdate n photo). Went there wit almost everyone frm work : Magda was damn crazy when dancing, also Tania, Bee, Juan, Pablo...Maggie was so cute wit all her antics! farewell for Anton who'll go back to his country nxt week :(
I'm gonna really miss them nxt yr!! hope when i came back here nxt yr, they still hv a vacancy for me if I reapply ..its quite rare u know, to get colleagues which are all so nice..actually back in concord when I work, all of my colleagues were really2x great as well..miss them..wonder how Nade, Shane, Sarah, Jo, Rita etc are doing now?? hmm..which reminds me that I need to call Heather nxt week, gonna ask her how Amble is doing in her competition recently.
k, gtg sleep now..my sleep hour is totallly messed up these few days!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Feel refreshed!
butterfly effect
Sunday, May 14, 2006