Oh well..
today wasn't so bad.. woke up this morning not feeling very well at all..think i'm coming down with a flu + sore throat. Hope it is not mumps!!! got this email frm IC health centre saying that there's been a few cases of mumps recently in college & suggest the ppl who hasn't yet got MMR vaccine twice to go there and got vaccinated..oh dear
Was planning to go run in Hyde park this morning, but since woke up feeling sick..decided to sleep in more and woke up ard 8. Rushed to school in bloody rain.. the bus was pasked as usual. Only have 1 lecture today!
Got 2nd yr options talk at 11 !! so exciting.!!
makes me want to go to 2nd yr alrd!!
but still have to pass these exams..*sigh*..dunno why but i actually felt calmer in revising lately..even tho am still not v.confident in a lot of the things, esp. cell bio & biochem!
I think studying in lib is really productive!! hehe.. wit meiting/starbucks/choc/sweets..
Went to gym today..
enjoying myself actually, since it was like ages ago since i went to the gym!
Gonna go sleep earlier tonite n hope tmr will feel better :)
Monday, May 22, 2006
butterfly effect
Monday, May 22, 2006