According to Lorenz' psychohydraulic model :
...basically behaviour occurs because of drive & motivation..(internal & external factors, combined 2gether..= u get behaviour)...
I'm losing motivation to revise! .....
hmm, I'm always like this. Got motivated too damn early-study10x hard-revise like mad-...lose motivation...-suddenly, motivated again-study10x-revise like mad.. and the cycle goes on.
it's like the oscillation period in the circadian rhytm!
Anyway, called Dian today and had a super-long chat for abt 1 1/2 hr. felt so good to talk to her after dunno how many things to catch up. Got so many stories to tell each other. She seems to b really2x enjoying her course in architecture..hmm suddenly can picture myself asking her to design a house for me in the not-too-near future...always knew she'll make her way in architecture! always amazed me wit her creativity since i knew her..14yrs ago? Really do think she knew me better than I know myself sometimes, just now she made me realise sth tht shd've been obvious to me long ago, but I just didn't realise it until finally after I talked to her..then finally I found the answer which was way simpler than I thought it would be. I really do think too much sometime I guess, but thinking too much is ok I guess. For me,the more I spent time alone, the more I think..abt all d random things/important/non-important things ..anythg really.
Too bad couldn't talk longer since my phone card credit were running out.
Quite surprised as well since she mention abt this certain guy, which is so similar to sumone i 80% similar. lol.
Went to see Xmen 3 wit Meiting just now..good show!!!
can't believe tht we MISSED the ending after d credits!
but cyclops died..whyy..... :(
I should think less.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Drive and Motivation
butterfly effect
Tuesday, June 06, 2006