I think these days..my main entertainment of the day is sitting in front of my window, munching dinner, while staring at the sunset (around..9.15 pm).
I just realised, the sun sets at exactly at the centre of my window.
Which was sooo pretty.. with pink and purple streaks..
Sunsets happens like, every single day since only God knows when (What is Life?)..but only these past 3 days..I actually looking forward to go home, take a super cold shower, then watch the sunset :)
Weird huh?
Sometimes,I feel like I'm lost.
Even when I'm surrounded by my dear friends...I just feel..like I don't really belong..why? sometimes I feel much more at peace when I'm alone. Since coming here 3yrs ago, I figure out tht I actually enjoy spending time by myself a lot more than with friends. Now I sound like some kind of anti-social person. I do love my friends and truly2x like spending time with them. but sometimes, I feel like..withdrawing from the crowd..and just spend the whole day by myself..going to the stable and visit the horses. or taking a long run in the parks. or just staying in my room with a good book. will truly makes me happy.
I feel like I'm a bit out of touch with certain friends..friends whom I used to hang out with a lot. here and at home. maybe bcause if this damn revision..which feels like it's gonna go on FOREVER.
but I felt secure by knowing that no matter what......
I got a few friends whom I know for sure will always be there.
They are friends whom even though you haven't spoken or seen them in ages, when you guys see each other again..it's just like you've never been away before.
Friends you can call anytime of the day if you need them.
Friends who just somehow always knew when you feel down and calls you even before you get around to call them.
Friends whom if you visited their house, you can just freely wander around like its your house as well.
I think by coming here..it sort of makes me realised who my true friends are? I mean, hmm..in general i think when I was in high sch,there're 3 general groups of friends :
1. the hi/by/smile friends..(eg : the ones u just know by names and faces)
2. the 'have fun' friends..(eg: the ones u go out and hang out with in big big groups...)
3. the forever friends..(eg: like the one i described above)
because often I feel like I really want to know my old 'have fun' friends are doing now..so decided to txt/mssg them.got a reply.then replies back.then after a bit, we really don't know what else to talk abt because our lives so different now. Its a bit sad really..i mean, considering what a fun year/2/3yrs we had together in high sch.. all the silly, carefree things we did.
I guess it's just something tht's unavoidable.
You graduated. then move each of us move on with our lives.
gtg..sleep/mug/eat. :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Pink and purple streaks
butterfly effect
Monday, June 12, 2006