*Today went cross country!!!! weeeheeee.....* !!!!
omg, the adrenaline rush was amazing..
haven't got these high since...since.. last summer when I took Chief on a killer show jumping course back home.
Rode this lovely Caffrey. Never rode him bfore. In the warm up he felt like he was 1/2 asleep, and I was "omg, i'm dead. no way can bring him around to jump anything" but then Kerry said, no worries, he hates flatwork but he'll perk up in xcountry. And dum dee dumm..we went out to the big big xcountry field ..and he WOKE up! and once he realised we're doing xc, he was like "let's go! which jump is next??"
and off we go.. me on Caffrey, Jess on Ginger (which I truly admired the way she handled Ginger, one tricky horse), & Olivia on Martini (she's really2x improving now!!).
Kerry realised we hadn't had much practice on xcountry ..(true la..last time I did xc was like, before I went to UK..so..3yrs ago. Used to do xc quite often at home with Boy, man, he's one in a million pony. We're such a good team, it's like he knows what I want him to do even before I asked him.miss him, love him so much!! still rem those times when we won jumping competitions by beating other just by fractions of seconds...he trusted me so much & will try his heart out to please me & vice versa).
anyhow, yep after warm up..we did a few practice jumps. Realised how bloody out of practice I am with xc bcos my legs were aching alrd after only 5 min. Bcos in xc we had to ride in different position, not d same position we use to do normal dressg/jumping lesson.
Decided instantly tht I've fallen in love wit Caffrey. He's AMAZING! just basically point him at anything : tires/logs/trees/woodblock..he'll just take u there n jumps it!!!
only need to steady his rhytm a bit, no problemo :)
happy happy happy happy
i'm high
Then went wit all d riding ppl for dinner afterwards at ASK gloucstr rd.. nice meal! were laughing our head off wit Jess & Luke's hilarious stories of their flatmates' weird cooking ability lol
Went to Wieland's place...went back..went to Simon's & Baim's flat .talk2x....
feel happy n refreshed today!!!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
XC !!
butterfly effect
Thursday, June 15, 2006