In Melbourne since last week.
This is an indeed nice city! It's not as quiet as Perth, but not as crowded and messy as Sydney :)
Been staying at Inka's place, which was practically right in front of Uni of Melbourne. A v.v.nice flat.
One thing I notice straightaway is that Asians are EVERYWHERE here.. on the streets/shopping malls/trams. Can hear indo ppl everywhere as well. Wah..I thought before tht IC got many asians, but the whole Melbourne itself is practically flooded with asians.
Even outside in the suburbs..I went out to Dandenong, and still..asians everywhere. Went to church yesterday, abt 80% are all asians.
It's..weird. I don't really like it. It's nice tht u definitely won't feel isolated here since got so many asians, but in a just doesn't seem right. Even in the Melbourne Museum & Observatory Deck, the employees are all asians! (most of them).
My favorite place so far is St.Kilda beach ! went there yesterday, and it's just so nice. Took a walk along the pier.. went to Luna park (this mini-Coney Island-theme park)..visited the Sunday market, which sells good artsy stuff, much nicer compared to Portobello. The fresh sea air is just soo good.. I told Inka how lucky she is since she can just take a 30 min tram ride and see the sea :)
Oh..and this city is full of good food! Yummy chocolate souffle in Max Brenner, ice coffee/ice cream in Koko Black, mee Mekong, apple cinnamon pancake in Pancake Parlour, fish n chips in Port Melbourne...endless eating spree. hehe.
Monday, August 28, 2006
butterfly effect
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Feel rested
Nice horsy day today :) !
Rode Skippy this morning, he's as good as always.. then went to Manda's house (she isn't feeling well), Irma's house. Meet her cats & a cute cute rotweiller puppy..went to swim for abt an hour..then meet up w. Novi, dian, angel at PS. So funny, when Novi came..we actually ran towards each other in the middle of the shopping mall..w ppl looking at us, its a bit movie like hehe..
Angel n dian came shortly afterwards..then we just practically talk n talk n talk till late..mostly talking abt guys, n why the hell our hearts always telling us diff things than our logic. It's quite ..eye-opening i guess.
How each of us got different problems now..and yeah, just basically..its quite refreshing to hear new point of views frm them.
"If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love"
"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive"
(really like this quote, its bloody true! lol)
butterfly effect
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
I hate it when I'm a fucking idiot at times..
why did I have to get pissed off at the wrongest time today??
and it just makes me feel like crap until now.
Someday u just can't explain.
How can you hate and love someone at the same time?
Anyway, I just came back today from Makassar, Sulawesi. As usual, this annual trip there was filled with visiting loads of families there. 4 days are super short. I wish I can go there more often, catch up w my cousins and the happy looks on all of them when I came, esp the elderly ones, was really...touching. :) Most of the younger ones don't really know who I am, which was a bit sad..but can't really do anyth abt it since I can only go there once a yr.
Also Hank picked me up n had a good day out w him n his friends.
Plus I also went to Samalona island, just 15mins by boat. and did 2 dives there! which was planned at the last minutes..but luckily can go & dive w uncle phil,brian, n saskia. The corals were much more colourful, less variety of fishes, & saw 5 blue-spotted stingrays. And spent 70 mins for the 2nd dive, cos we went down w 330bar.
Wished can show these to ninghan n alex! Shd ask them 2 come indo nxt summer!! there's these 2 islands,Kapoposang & sulawesi which got lots of sharks & amazing reef wall, also apparently Wakatobi (opwall indo) site is one of e best dive sites in indo.. and Rajampat in Papua, Nusa penida in Bali..lots lots more.
butterfly effect
Monday, August 21, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Met up w/. Acc a few days ago. Me,mand,tep,dwi,mel. Wah..been so long since i meet up w them! catching up on loads of things. Reminiscing abt our old highsch truly seems like ages ago when we were still juniors and played band at manda's house, plus our 'videoclip' and journals. Then at the spur of e moment, decided to booked a room and spent the night there. Midnite search for a 24-hrs oh lala cafe plus one hr looking for a parking spot! n fiddling wit e bass/sound sys in my car, finally can get a nice blasting sound. Probably the nxt time we can meet up again is nxt yr..hopefully can get my us visa sorted so can go visit tephi there :)
The best part of this week :
meet my babies!! Kimmy, Chief, n Zinnie!!!!!
went to Bandung. Stayed at Jeanne's place for 4 days. Went to the stable every morning to ride my babies there, Kim n Chief :) Chief is still as frisky as ever. Omg, he's 14 this year but he's still behaving like a 4-yr old most of the times. He's been there wit me through all these past 8 yrs, thr countless training and lessons and competitions. He's getting older though, he looked older. but when i jumped him, he still feels as young as ever! Steven sure has been riding him well, as he feels as good and as responsive as he always is. Also he still loves jumping so much.
Kim is still the lady she always is. She looked up the moment she heard me called her name, then she still demands her usual share of carrots. Still can't believe she managed to get 4 clear rounds with Ferry, and won this yr's Indonesian Jumping Challenge in e most prestigious class!! Kimmy, wit her attitudes..but frm wht i heard, ferry rode her perfectly tht time (she got v.v powerful hindlegs, but short, curvy built..not tall). Feel like a super proud parent now. She's soo honest when jumping! omg..i put her thr some v.horrible distance thr the cavaletti..but she helped me all the way.
And last but not least, the baby Zinnie. She's 2 1/2 yrs old this yr..she's such a sweetie. Dun think she recognised me though, since i only saw her once a yr. She's been trained well, happily picking up her feet when i asked her to..and happily let me brush n groom her. Such a lovely filly she is.
Plus had a lot of catching up w jeanne...lots of reminiscing again..realised we had known each other for a long long time. wondering wht had happened wit the rest of the horsy ppl we always hang out together at competitions. talking abt our lives now in UK (mine) and hers in Eindhoven. And also went to this christian gathering at her house (i stayed at her house for like..4days), and it makes me realised i actually miss the masses. I haven't been to a lot of mass for this 1 yr. And i realised i missed it. Hearing all the familiar church songs and the familiar phrases frm e makes me feel secure and i miss those totally secure feeling when you have troubles and you just place ur faith in God. Maybe i really shd start going to the church a bit more nxt yr.
butterfly effect
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Free fall
Today finally i went jumping!! haven't jumped in ages.. well almost 2mths to b exact. Went to Pulomas this morning. Rode Action, alyssa's horse. I rode him for his 1st competition last yr. He's a picky horse, tht one. He likes to choose his rider. If he likes u, he'll try his heart out to please u and do whteva u asked him to do, otherwise if he hates u..hmm good luck then :). Me and alyssa are the only 2 riders whom he seemd to like. Anyway, I jumped him. Not so high, only abt 3feet and a wide triple bar. A small course of 8 jumps.. he was great!!!
He had matured so much since last yr..his capability of judging distance is much better. Only he's still a bit wobbly on his left canter.
Then I rode Bobby. I was so so glad Bobby is still there!! I always got a soft spot for him as he's such a sweet, honest little horse. I helped trained him last summer, and now he's alrd jumping soo much better! I put him thr a very very wrong distance to this double..then he still jumped it!! it was such an awkard jumps, and i fell off when we landed. Wah..been a while since i fell. But its alrite, hop back on straight away..and we re-jumped e whole course..he was behaving like a perfect angel!!!
I love him so much!!!
Omg..soo happy to finally b back on a horse again n b ard them!! I felt totally reenergised and exhilirated when we finished jumping.. the feeling of such a huge power underneath u, and tht seconds u feel like ur flying in mid-air when we jumped a high fence.. feeling in the world!
At the same time, i missed diving as well. Miss egypt live. What a dream it all seems to be now.. such a peaceful, isolated life for a whole mth. Surreal.
butterfly effect
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Home at last
Back home in indo..arrived 2days ago. Its all the same, yet different.
Strange, went to visit my grandparents yesterday..they seemed to grow older, weaker somehow. Also everyone seems to hv aged since e last time i saw them. Has it been tht long?
actually, yes.
Its sad really, when i think how i really enjoy my life in london..but at the same time, hv to leave ppl tht loves me back home, esp my parents n grndparents. They just keep getting older..the good thing is tht they stay the same, exactly the same. Even my dog (ok i dog), he looks so old now. Why can't ppl just stop aging?
Anyhow, met up w my ex today. He seemed really well. Had a good long talk, n i realised we're still e same, as friends. Nothing more. He tells me abt his new gf n stuff, n i really felt happy for him. He said now finally he's learning to hv a non-long dst gf. which is good. :) plus we xchg diving stories! omg he told me when he went to this HUGE wreck! it was SO cool. am so gonna go wreck diving here! indo got so many places to dive...!!
hey, ninghan & alex..come indo to dive!! haha lol.
okies, gtg now.. looked like am gonna b busy as hell all day nxt week. Riding my horses!! :)
butterfly effect
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Non-sandy desert..St.Katherine here I am still in artati's place, 4more hours before i have to leave to catch my flight back home frm heathrow :)
After watching 6 episodes of desperate housewives 2nd season and ate chocolates..thinking wht shd i do now, decided to continue my story abt egypt. My last entry was abt Ras Mohammed, which was basically where we spent 3weeks diving and id-ing fishes.. now story continued, the 4th week we all (me maya ninghn alex) went to the desert base camp of opwall in St.Katherine Protectorate. Abt 4 hrs car journey frm Ras.. which was bloody hot and windy. My cheeks actually felt numb the moment we got off frm e car. We left Ras saturday morning..after endless goodbys to everyone, giving out postcards to all the staff..Oh, forgot to write abt the car break down! well, basically on our last nite in Ras..we went to town (Sharm) to withdraw cash & use internt (found our exam results! i was a bit dissapointed when i 1st found out abt my results, but after a while then i can't b bothered, anw i tried my best & worked hard & yep i managed to reach my aim which was at least to get 4 B's and no D's. so not bad at all trish). Ok so then we were on our way back to camp..when suddeny the car machine just died.. tutns out it got no petrol! so hehe there we were stuck in e middle of this dark empty road..with desert/sands/sea ard us..hmm.. ahmed called the camp and they sent anthr car to pick us up. :)
So ok back to the desert..we arrived in Fox Camp ard 3pm saturday..ate lunch. Met toby (again) there lol. The eggplant was soo yummy! then a quick trip to town to the cafe & shisha..drank karkadea (hibiscus tea) ..get to know rebecca alanna sam (all e staff in st.Kat are much more approachable compared to Ras i think, maybe also got such a small group of us only). Fox camp was soo different than Ras! everything is actually close together (aka : toilet/rooms/sitting area/lecture room). Met all e egyptian students as well.. Slept outside wit mosquito nets! amazingly effective i must say :). Nxt day : sunday..went to St.Katherine monastery which is where the famous 'burning bush' is situated.. its quite unimpressive i think..also only such a small part of the monastery is open for public, which is quite a shame since e monastery itsels is so big..but it is still a working oh well. Saw this room full of the skeletons of monks. Then did a practice walk in Ramadan... which took us more thn 2 hrs bcos some of them r collecting microbio samples i think.. Saw these hyraxes (huge hamster like animals).. walked back down..then slept early as we're going to set off for the desert tmr.
Tuesday we then set off to the desert.. abt 15 min car ride (our big bags go w the cars/camels) and our day-bags plus water we carry ourselves.. Arrive at campsite after abt 30 min hike.. (am so gonna invest in hiking boots nxt time!). Our campsite is in this Wadi (wadi = river area in winter..but dry in summer). The desert is not sandy plains like wht i imagined..its more like rocky desert. Choose our sleeping site..(open areas! to avoid scorpions the fact tht Sam, our desert leader, got stung by scorpion 2 weeks ago didn't realy help). Toilets = shovel, matches, toilet papers. V.v vital things to always carry ard : 3 litres of water at least..hat (maya's fowery hat! lol..v.comfy though)..rehydro sachets.
Helped alanna (bat scientist, frm imperial, she knew Lamb!!! hopefully can see her ard IC nxt term. she's did batting at nite..: set up the mist nets..and wait ard.. for bats. apparently bats in egypt are like..small. and totally undertudied. only 3 scientists had ever study bats in egypt in these past 50yrs! Caught 3 bats tht nite. They'r soo sma but got cute (mouse-like) longish faces..too bad can't hold them cos i got no idea whether my rabies jab is still effective or not. she measured their height/weight/etc//record their sound (tongue-clicking to echolocate).
Nxt day : Wed moning woke up at 4.30am.. omg felt so stiff due to sleeping on my sleeping bag and got no roll mat. Amzingly all managed to woke up. had a bit of tea. Left the camp ard 6am wit rebecca's plant group. Me ning alex matya toby dave all in plant group tht morning. Did a bit of trekking..did plant transects of 25 m.. 5 quadrats. Lucky Ghada, this girl in mine n alex's group, knew most of e plants.. so we finished way faster thn the rest. Ate our breakfast. Continue to walk and did a 2nd transect. Then head back to camp ard lunchtime as it gets too hot to walk. Stay ard in camp and rebecca hosted this dung-collecting competition for all of us (nasser collected this unbelieveably HUGE bag of shit)..winner gets coke. lol. anw its only herbivore its harmless.. plus as i'm so used collecting horses' shit, so its nothing much for me. hehe.
Helped alanna with batting again tht nite.. but we didn't managed to get many bats. we went ard to these old empty stone houses where we set up flick nets and caught the bats who nested inside the houses. Much more effective method. Caught insect bats which got diff faces thn fruit ones. Uglier looking i must say. :) Got a bit early nite. Collapsed wit exhaustion. Also dinner is basically eat in the dark while trying to figure out wht ur actually eating, but since we're all so hungry, all tasted good. A bit cold at nite compared to Ras.
Thursday : morning : plants as usual. Lunchtime at camp. Went batting ard 4 pm..where we hiked up to these stone caves (Nasser is the bedouin who lead us ard..he knew the area well). Slipped and scratch my knee a bit (hiking boots!). At this one cave, ninghn,alex,n maya managed to caught 2 bats which are new species!! think one of the bat was attracted esp 2 alex lol. Also got this one big stone, where all of us tried to climb prove our rock-climbing skills? us girls are more agile hehe.. Walked back. Set up 3 mist nests at nite, but didn't caught any bats anymore tht nite. Ended up sitiing there on a big stone and talk nonsense, prob scaring all e bats away. plus King toby and tubinaria kingdom lol.
Friday : last day in desert. Did one plant usual, me ghada alex finished super fast. hehe. Maya didn't feel to well..stomach upset i think. Not surprising since the water we drank were taken frm this dodgy..looking..well.. near the camel (camels always looked like they're smiling). Hike back down after did camp-clean ups..pretty long trekking down.. ound out tht i drank a can finish 1.5 l of water in 45 min. Tired and dirty (no shower for 4 days)..back to Fox camp. Showered, rested :)
Signed off frm Opwall officially at 2pm (me ning alex toby dave) as we a want to climb mt.Sinai (opwal didn't allow if we're still their volunteers, dun ask me why). Feels like we're freed! hehe. Went to town, internet.. went bar/hotel crawing to get beers (stella : not v.nice..sakaara beer : nicer..both are local beers). drank a bit. alcohol felt pretty good after 5 weeks wt out it. Then went to eat pizza! oven baked and tasted quite nice i think. took them 45 min to prepare it! went to Morgen Land and get dressed up in bedouin clothes..sang n dance n pics. till ard 11pm. Went back to fox camp, hoping to get a bit of sleep before we set off to climb sinai at 1am. Sadly can't realy get any rest. Prepared super warm clothes plus loads of water. i actually carry like 4.5 l of water.
Started our hike up mt.sinai at 1 am.. wit Ismail as the park ranger who act as our guide. pretty big group : me ning alex toby dave ismai yoesef and 2 other guys. Took the route thr Ramadan & Wadi abein, camle track, then the 750-odd steps up to the peak. Felt quite tired at times but found out tht i can catch my breath quickly even wit only a short rest,pretty good. Quite nice to hike in the dark, wit ony torches shining the groung. Stars are amazing! they just seems soo bright and near! Got this huge spurt of energy when heard we almst reached the top! the steps are killers..wah so tiring, but just like ninghn said, take it one step at e time. Reach the peak ard 4 am.. found this BEST spot to seat. Rent blankets and mattres (smelled like camels lol). Lucky me n ninghn got our thick winter fleece, it was bloody freezing!!! can't imagine how aex can survive in shorts n thin jacket! toby n dave got their sleeping bags wit them, smart. Waited abt 1 hr. Then at 5, the horizon just turns orangey and got htis one orangey strip..wit the sinai mountains as the background..omg omg sooo beatiful! too bad my camer was useless in e dark, so can't take any decent pics of of it. Got this italian gropu of ppl singin christian songs..which made the atmosphere soo great. It really2 seem so surreal. The scenery..the way the skies seems to slowly changed colour frm dark-orangey-yellow. Then at 6 am sun finaly breaks, looked liek this perfectly round egg yolk, super yellow and round and perfect..slowly came up and rise. wahh.. it truly is the best sunrise i've ever witnessed. still got the memory clear in my head even till now. Totally no regret to go up to mt.sinai.Also while watching the sunrise, made me think tht actuay in life, there are ony a few things tht really really matters : friends, famiy, love. Nothing much dun think life is too is very simple, just cherish those 3 things and take good care of it if u alrd found all those things..dunno why this thought crossed my mind tht time. The hike down was better, we took the 3500-odd steps of penance which carried us straight nxt to the st.Katherine monastery. All ppl took tht route, pretty crowded. As usual, am taking my own sweet slow time in order tob sure i didn't slip. hehe. well..this is my 2nd hike so far after snowdonia :) Ismai was a good leader, he kept waiting for me as i'm v.v.sloow compared to other. It was at times ike tht i wished i was a mountain goat! the bedouins is just amazing, they ust hop frm rocks to rocks!
Supremey tired back to fox camp..showered..then got 2hrs of sleep..then we head back to Ras (4 hrs super hot car journye again)..stay in Ras for 3-4 it's soo empty in ras. only got gerben steve joe and 4volunteers. Totaly savouring all the last minutes moments in Ras. Watching the last sunset. Staring at the clear blue red sea. It all has come to an end.
Me ning dave toby maya dave mark are all on e same 2 flights back home..i slept all e way back to London. Arr in gatwick ard 2..waited ard till 5 wit ning toby dave.. too coach back to Victoria.. took bus to artati's. then went shopping. then sept and slept. Can't believe those 5 weeks are over. Its just all so amazing. Had such good times. Totally great.
butterfly effect
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ras Mohammed! diving diving in e Red Sea.
Wah..finally i'm back in london.seems like these past 5weeks had been a dream. A surreal but yet amazing dreams. Had spent these last 5 weeks in Egypt. To sum it up : 1 week travelling with ninghan to Cairo-Luxor-Hurghada... 3 weeks in Ras Mohammed Marine National Park (diving!!! did reef ecology & monitoring)...1 week in the desert, St.Katherine Protectorate...last day : climb up tp the peak of Mt. Sinai to see THE best sunrise (the best i've ever witnessed in 20 yrs of my life, surreal).
I think i'll spent soo ong to write it al down. It's just so many things to say and write about. Need to upload loads of photos as well. Didn't even know where to start! lucky I wrote down things tht happend during tht one week of travelling alrd hehe..
Hmm...ok, so story continued after we arrived in Hurghada, we spent one nite there, then took the fast ferry to Sharm El Sheikh the next morning. 2hrs..then at Sharm, Ahmed picked us up. Went to Ras Mohammed site. 1st impression : incredible beaches and blue blue sea!! being shown our tents/common area/toilet (farrr farr...awayyyy)/dive centre. which all situated far apart lol.. Spent the day doing nothing. get to know Joe, Gerben, Caroline, Ahmed..slept the whole day! then on Sunday (8th agt), met Alex! we thought he was spending e nite at the airport..but then in the morning, ninghn said 'hey look who's tht wit e back hair..?" ..then we all ran to greet, so funny.
1st week : did our PADI Open Water !! our group consist of me, caroline, maya, claire, ninghan..and our instructor is the best ever : Gerben! (magic finger..magic finger..hmm hehe) plus the best DM as well : Dave (OK? ok!). Its amazing how fast we seemed 2 get used to put together all e dive kit! BWARF : Bruce Willis Ruins Ancient Films..Buddy check! (me n ning = perpetual buddies, Tweedledee n Tweddledum as Jane said..we looked identical in our shortie). Did skills.. gerben is amazing. he made us felt reaxed, yet secure all the time. U can be sure he'll b there if anythg goes wrong. Did 3 confined dives..then 3 open water..did theory test (pretty easy). All passed!!! yayyy...
Our normal day routine in Ras will b sth ike..woke up at 6.30..breakfst 7-8am.. then 1st dive..lunch 1-2..2nd dive..talk2/rest..shower!!.. dinner 8-9pm..tea/shisha/dominoes/card games/talking2 while staring at the night skies.. amazingly bright wit all the stars and moon! shooting stars are sooo common...saw countless of shooting stars! then sleep ard 11pm. Sleep outside under the stars every nite!! (too bloody warm in e tent...).. me, alex, claire are the sleep outside ppl..whilst ninghnn n maya slept inside usually.
One nite got a crab tickling my ear! omg i was damn surprised! n actually caused me to jump literally in shock! woah... Also one morning got DOLPHINS!! swimming pass the tents.. 3 of them!! i was wide awake in an instant when I heard alex said dolphin, then ninghan also shot up awake in seconds..wahh...telling ppl tht there's dolphin is the best way to wake 'em up!! haha...
Played endless card games/shisha/tea at nite..egyptian mint tea is just the best!! sweet and hot.. wahh... apple shisha also so nice..too bad shisha often crowded, so dun often get e chance to do shisa-ing hehe. Like alex mentioned : gerben is shisha master.. dave n alex advance shsiha makers lol.
Food wise was great!! main food :pitta bread, tomato n cucumbers..!! honey/cheese..fried / grilled fish soo yummy..dinner aways better thn lunch! endless melons and watermelons :) !! tea..also water water water,..drinks loads otherwise get dehydrated!
2nd week : did reef ecology course where Joe taught us how to recognise n id diff reef/corals/fishes/invertebrates we can help steve in his research.. Spent 4 consecutive days diving in 'toilet bowl' (Solar Bay..callled tht as it is situated in fornt of e toilet building!)..right reef : amazing..left reef : ok..We saw a shark!!!!! grey reef shark..was swiminng aong..then Kim suddenly saw it.i saw it. then everying got sooo xcited..wuah its amazing how ..majestic it seems to be..n no worries. its harmless if we dun disturb them :)
aso saw this big big eagle ray..HUGE moray eel near the jetty...puffer fish who foollowed us ard...lionfishes etc etc ect..
Jane was our dive leader for tht week..(got sum..argument bwn her n maya..woa..quite tense tht time...) ..Jon as our DM.. he's damn nice guy! the quiet but funny Joe as our I i think we all are such good students!! we all passed our reef tests by memorising the slides!!! haha....
Claire left at the end of 2nd week.. so sad :( she's super nice to talk to. can b quite clumsy at times..damn funny she is hehe... she's very open minded as well. Miss her!! also she always struggle to get into her wetsuit. so her mask-wiper hair..blublublub phone call..omg.. :) spent the day before she left taking loads loads of photos!
3rd week : spent on the boat (aka : Fuck Knuckle as Gerben humbly named it..hehe). got seasick a bit the 1st 2 days..then I actually cured!! no more seasick!!!! waahhh sooo happy!! at 1st me alex maya looked dead..then after we got used to it (excpt poor maya who still got seasick..we all fine. ninghn never get seasick! so lucky...hehe..all boat crews : me ning alex maya simon jon steve..chef/ali..mohammed..etc.. all soo helpful! boat dives are amazing..exciting! to get off frm the boat, esp if we drift dive..felt like a military mission! then if e current is stonrg..getting back on e boat is also hard! Shark's Reef are e best so far..saw HUGE fishes n turtle there..! but so strong current..can't do transects.. Shark's Observatory..Ras Um Sid (cheesy italian song!).. Visitor Centre (lady frm italy 'help me'2x..swa shark behind her eating fishes!)... Old Quay.. Ras Satar (our last fun dives). Did fish id/count on 50 m transect..learnt to control buoyancy much more now.. steve n alex did corals id. jon just floating ard watching us looking bored..poor him. Boat lunches are amazingly nicer!!!! slept n sunbathe in bwn..dive in e morning n afternoon... back to camp ard 3-4 pm.
Also did our PADI Advance Open Water!! deep dive : narked maya! go down to 30m..but felt alrite.. hehe..only we use up our air much much faster.. only 25 min instead of e usual 50 min..for 200 bar. Navigation : use compass..made squares/triangles.. PPB w arthur : ninghn's sand headstand! 'charie chaplin' kick..somersault (maya's so good in this).. phtography : ok..cant really get nice jude a bit angry for taking her camera... drift dive : amazing..triingbut the best!
Did a total of 28 dives over 3 weeks.. unbelieveable.. truly.
Got to know loads of ppl..esp toby claire maya ..met karim n hassan n ahmed as well (rescue diver ; 10 bar n dunno how to use compass..hehe.. )..torch ppl invasions...dave/jon/owen/jane/jude/arthur...haisam.aiman.musa n all the friendly bedouins! ..ninghan's toilet runs..super blur alex in e morning... steve/joe best buddies... steve o indonesian speaker... caroline/jackie/all the school kids..wahh.. countless things..soo many many memories. its been totaly aamzing 3 weeks!! best ever.
butterfly effect
Monday, August 07, 2006