Sometimes when u don't expect it, a friend of yours did small little things tht makes you feel touched. Yesterday my flatmate waited & called when i didn't get back home when it's alrd quite late..then she even wait up for me (even tho in the end i decided not to come home at all..since it was already 4am, and it's bloody far to go back home from Hank's place). So spend d nite there, n when i came home this morning, found out tht she & her boyfriend had cooked me a nice supper n desert. :) wah..somehow that small little thing she did just made me feel happy all day long today.
I think sometimes i took my friends, esp the old ones, for granted..which i shouldn't really. Friends, they're all super precious. ok ok, gtg sleep now.. was chatting w.Claire just now. Can't wait to see her on friday!! she's definitely coming to london!!! yayy..Oh also now so far got 16 ppl who wants to try out for the riding team!! and some of them seems to b really2 good riders, got this one girl who's been riding for 16yrs (i've only been riding for 12 yrs), also this other girl who's taken a gap yr and devoted all her time to train other ppl's horses (my dream job in the future hehe) happy!! i was initally afraid we won't have enough ppl in the team this yr, as we only got 4 ppl left (me,liv,kat,sam)..and we need 8 riders in the team. but now things seems to b looking rather good hehe.
oh btw, now i'm getting better in making coffees! can make latte/cappucinno/espresso/americano..only am still crap in twisting the pretzels, somehow they always ended up not twisted. lol
Sunday, October 08, 2006
A little pick-me-up
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 08, 2006