I always had a fetish for dapple grey horses, and Ezra is one of the sweetest horses i've ever known! He got an extremely comfy, flowing canter. His only problem is tht he tends block his hind legs in trot, causing the impulsion not flowing from behind like wht its suppose 2b. Much better compared to Todd, which got a really good impulsion, but needs a lot of leg. I think currently i've been getting better & better horses in lessons. Last time term I thought Black Jack, Trio, n Gus were really good already for a riding school standard.. but then this term since we got Adam as our new team trainer, he gave us much more advanced horses. Which is way more preferable, cos they're all way more fun and exciting to ride..Like today, Ezra tried to test me as we were cantering nicely and did some nice half-pirouettes, he decided to suddenly spooked at the sight of Kim carrying jumping poles. Which were totally just out of mischief, as he's an experienced jumper and already saw those poles a million times before. Lucky I reacted fast enough, otherwise i would've ended up on the ground.. He reminds me of Chief tho, the way he will always keeps u on your toes. As the minute your mind wanders off, he'll do sth to remind you that he wants your full attention, all the time, every single step, when you're riding him.