I feel very easily stressed nowadays. Like Meiting said, work is good. It's a therapy. When i work, as in work in cinema..not doing some essays/lab report/presentation..my mind just shut off. I just work and work and serve customers. It's really tiring physically, but mentally theraupetic. Because sometime you study, then you want 2 take a break..but even that u'r mind will keep wandering, oh shall i go back to study, or should i put this into my essay. Work is the same like horse riding. It's those moments when you can completely lose yourself in what you're doing. When the whole world fades and its just you and your horse, both workinng as a team.Like nothing else in the world matters..hmm maybe i'm exaggerating a bit. but yeah its true, for me at least.
Another week had passed. Now its Monday morning again..another new week.. starting new module, stats.
Nowadays, my time management sucks..seriously. I used to be much better in managing my time last year. My sleeping time also screwed up lately..I think the longer i am in uni, the less productive i am in doing work..sucks. =(
Got lots of things to sort out...visa.. still haven't succeed in booking train ticket frm vienna-prague. Yesterday me n ninghan called this local austrian train company, n got no clue whtv they're talking abt! its in german or heavily accented english..... plus cv.. dunno wht to do for summer....internship? everyone around me are submitting applications..make cv's...it makes me feel like i should do it as well, but is it what i really want to do?
I think i know the answer..but i just don't really know how to choose..will you choose to do the right thing or follow what your heart says? it sucks, it just makes me feel trapped.. i think i just make things sounds more complicated than it actually is. ~~
Hmmmh... oh irma made these yummy rainbow-sprinkled-vanilla cookies! ate a whole batch of freshly baked cookies just now =)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Another monday morning
butterfly effect
Monday, November 27, 2006