Time really really flies. Its already weekend again.
Last APP lectures was today. 2 weeks till xmas holiday officially starts. 5 more weeks before it's 2007. Hmm.. I haven't call home in weeks. Think am gonna call oma & opa nxt week definitely, also will call Dian. I just spent a long time talking to artati on the phone yesterday, just catching up on some random stuff. Gonna meet up with her for lunch smtime nxt week..since nxt week shd b more free hopefully. Updates..hmm on Wed got to jump Ezra again! i love him soo much. He's just so genuine, and sweet. Reminds me a lot of Bobby back home. I hope i can continue to jump him nxt week as well. Got this really..funny horse..called Luke for flat lesson. He is only 5 yrs old, but soo calm he will make u think he's actually 20yrs old. The thing is he's actually still green, so he didn't have much of a clue of what he's supposed to do..but he thinks he already knows his job. A bit hard to explain but yea.. he's a funny character tht one.
Also had a team social at Kat's place. It was really fun! we just ended up sharing horsey stories for hours. Thts wht i like abt horsy ppl, u dun have to actually know each other well, but just our love for horses connects us. Really. Everytime i compete/watch competitions, surely made friends.. with new horsy ppl. Can talk and talk for hours just abt horses, even tho we just met. =)
Then Claire came over on wed nite!!! so good to catch up with her!! she n ninghn slept over at my place. Didn't get much sleep lol. She's still the same, exactly the same..=) can't believe the last time i saw her was in egypt! all of it just seems so far far away now. I think i'll come down to southampton n visit her one day. hehe..
Today work was ok.. not so busy like last week. Also finish closing dam fast with johny..then we decided to continue cleaning so Dan won't ask us to go on floor lol.
anywayy.. gtg sleep now.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Another weekend
butterfly effect
Saturday, November 25, 2006