Today was normal, normal but relaxing day =)
Went for a run in Hyde park, so nice...will do tht more often! hehe..then went back early which was really rare for me. Cook salmon for dinner, then watched Grey's anatomy frm Meiting :)
Irma's back as well, good to hv her back. I realised i don't like coming back to empty flat everyday, cos she's always back before me. Then hmm..wht else, nothing much i guess..but i feel like its nice to just have a normal, non busy day sometime. when u just go back home, no lab reports to type up, no rush to do anything.
Yesterday work was really easy, closed damn fast with Melissa. Plus Sebastian hid in the popcorn box n scared meiting hehe..tht was so funny. He actually can fit into tht box! xp Nxt week gonna b busy again i guess..Happy Feet and The Holiday coming up. Mil also left, he was transferred to VUE west end..Hmm. Magda was telling us stories back then when she just started in VUE 3 yrs ago, apparently tht time was much much busier.
Oh and i just downloaded R ! i really like playing with the graphs.. was fun :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Happy thoughts!
butterfly effect
Monday, December 04, 2006