Dian just sent me one of her writing in the christmas card..thx sweets, i love you lots hehe. Lately a few of her writing really make me reflect on a few things... a few things which i really should give a bit of thought once in awhile. Here it is,the one i got from her. This might sound a bit funny as i tried to translate it to english from indo.. :)
Sweets in a candy jar
They said life is colourful..
It is indeed true, but life is not just colourful..it also has lots and lots of different flavours. It is like sweets in a candy jar. Sometimes you have to taste the bitterness of the lemon sweets..before you found the sweetness of the chocolate. Sometimes you have to taste the fresh strawberry taste..before you tasted the cold, chilly peppermint
Life is like that
It is impossible to taste all the sweets at once
It takes time to try each of them, one by one
One by one, the taste will be more refined
Once in a while, it is possible to truly let your favourite taste linger for a while..
In the end, there is only one way
One way to learn all the different tastes life has to offer you..
..look for it - found it - taste it - remember it..
Learn from all the different flavours of life that you ever experienced
Do not let the past linger *