Today was one of the good valentine's :)
To start with, we had competition in Surrey today..so yeah we started of damn early (7am..) from Lucy's place. Abt 1 hr by car..reach there. Dressage was ok..then disaster came in jumping cos one of their horses were not fit, soo we needed 1 more horse. And the yard staff said the only one they have as reserve was this huge,dark bay cob called Bess who can only jump 2ft max.. which was tiny jumps. but well after a lot of talking and phone calls to BUSA and few stressed team members. we found the solution. Jumping went well..i love my jumping horse, called Spike, grey, very nice rhytm to jump! i love him hehe. Lucy got Bailey, a huge chesnut..which was also cool..Harriet got this really really nice dressage horse called Bella, superb paces. Oh also when lucy almost got eliminated since she didnt wear any gloves for dressage was not fun...and my mismatched chaps. Im really gg to bring my boots from home next time. The dressage judge was a bit unusual, she was very keen to get things her own way..but she's also generous with marks. Which were just kind of contradictory. Oh well.. it was a long day today..we started the competition at 10.30 am and finished around 5pm. Lucy's mini was seriously struggling to go thro all the mud and uneven road..poor mini. Now we also had our own mascot, Phoebe..and our theme song 'lala', which Lucy and Harriet ingeniously invented haha.
Rushed back home..and managed to make it to Gili Gulu just 30 mins late. Ate giligulu..basically had eating competition, girls vs guys. Me manda artati jose pui..vs hank mad wills ritch. We lost as always. Seriously full and satisfied after stuffing ourselves with unagi .. then decided to wander around picadilly trying to find a bar. Went to 3 places : ALL full :( and at this one place, the waiter so damn annoying. he saw us waving at him, trying to order drinks..but he blatantly ignored us. shite. In the end..gave up trying to find a place. We went to Tesco, bought drinks and plastic wine glasses.. and doritos and jaffa cakes. Jose actually decided to take photos of us inside tesco and yeah as the way we Walked to Trafalgar square, sat down on the benches.. and started drinking and eating and taking pictures. Hehee.. it was 6 of us, me manda ti jose hank ritch. All around us are couples kissing, couples with flowers, couples and more couples. argh. I think we annoy them by being loud hehe.. it was funny when we took pics of ti n ritch gyahaha..jose's paparazzi style is damn good. Thx guys u both entertain us tonight :) *wicked grin*. I really enjoyed this year's valentine's day..got to spend it with people that i love the most :)
"Friends accept us as we are. They create our good times, and ease our bad. With them, we can share our joys, upon them we can unload our cares, because of them, our lifes are full."