Monday, May 07, 2007


Yesterday for the first time in almost a year, i actually went to see a movie like how i used to. Not in VUE, in Cineworld with hank,ritch,nti and mad.. I really enjoyed it :) a bit strange cos usually im the one selling the tickets and all, and i cant help looking around and comparing it to VUE..hehe Its funny how just a simple thing like going out to see a movie can make me feel so recharged but i do feel like im back to being a proper student again, not a part-time student, part-time working. Which honestly feels good and liberating, its like how it feels when you took a deep breath of fresh morning air, and exhales it sloowwly....and at the same time like a huge weight being lifted off from your shoulder.
I've been slowly revising these past weeks.. and i've been addicted as usual to watching series during my so-called study breaks. Currently i'm watching Goong, which is so cute and i love it! and happy that i found more streaming websites to watch more asian tv series haha.. thanks to silvia :) Tomorrow back to school, im not looking forward to it and i just think it is so stupid that we still have one module to be completed..whilst the rest (literally, all) my friends are either finishing up their exams already or will start very soon. argh :( i just want to get exams over and done with asap. and let summer holidays come soon.. and i want to go home and ride my horses soo badly. At least on the bright side, there are lots of ppl staying here for the i wont be lonely here alone :) but i will miss irma for sure and im not looking fwd to stay alone in my flat for about 1 month :(
Since i came back from Badminton 2 days ago, i've been feeling a lot calmer and more happy. I tell myself to just relax, dont let the time manipulate me..but me manipulating the time :) so don't rush myself through the day, there's always enough time to do everything i intended to do in a day.
Hm sedikit tambahan, berhubung kayanya gw ga bisa nulis ini dlm bahasa yang sama kaya diatas.. sejujurnya gw rada ngerasa kesepian deh akhir2 ini.. mungkin harusnya gw jangan keseringan nonton film seri yg bernada2 cinta deh.yg ada gw jadi ngerasa mello sndiri..kepikiran knapa saya masih menjomblo, smentara temen2 malah ada yang uda mo married..huhuh. Tapi dsuruh jadian juga mau ama siapa, setelah yg kejadian baru2 dulu deh, jadi beban pikiran yang ada. Sebenernya cuman dari sisi gw nya aja sih...dan mungkin gw sedikit berlebihan.tapi yah bisa dibilang dalam sekitar 2 bulan terakhir ini, gw ngerasa diri gw berubah. Jadi lbh kuat. dan gw juga sering inget dulu artati perna bilang ke gw kalo kita deserve kok utk mengejar kesenangan sendiri, dan kita berhak untuk ngerasa seneng. no matter what :)