We just came back from Badminton horse show!!
it was amazing :)
I had such a great day today. Awesome.
I've been wanting to go there since the first year i came in UK, Badminton is THE event for all horse crazy people. Its like how Wimbledon is to tennis. Drove up to Bath with Kat, Liv, Freyja.. Spent the night at Alex's place, lucky we managed to find it with the somewhat funny directions he gave us.. like 'straight across the junction' which literally means we have to drove straight through a wall into a farm. haha. Then went there earlllyy this morning :) I met Heather there!! and Voltan and Liffey! Voltan has grown soo big now, i think she still remembers me though. It was quite amazing we can meet by accident, cos i did tell heather im gonna be there. but we didnt think we can meet up cos its soo big and crowded today. A few of the top riders withdrawed due to the ground being too hard, which was a bit dissapointing cos i really wanted to see Zara Philips and William Fox-Pitt :( :( but at least I still see Gemma Tattersall! and Lucinda Frederick!! It was a 4-mile-long course, 30 fences, 86 riders. One of my fav fence is the one i put below, which looks like a humongous picnic table (which is in fact, really BIG.. its like. 1.80 m across, 1.50 m high). Anyway, what we learn today was why the hell do we live in London? lets go move to Surrey next year and start commuting by car to college everyday.lol.but honestly I miss the fields..and the countryside. London kind of suffocate you sometime. I do love London,but still..where are the fields? :(