Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sums up my past activities after exams :) I cant help it, i like recording things my blog, in my journal and in my facebook/friendster page. Happy times are good :) then when im down and lonely, looking at all the happy happy memories and photos never fails to at least put a silly grin on my face.. hehe. As you may guess, im currently have nothing better to do over the weekend.. Just came back from a very fulfilling dinner at Four Seasons with Ale as well. and now i cant be bothered to do anything..except sitting down under the duvet on my comfy couch, sipping a big mug of tea while watching the raindrops falling outside my window :)
good bye Delph!! :*( drinks at Lloyds + meeting up with fellow VUE-ex workmates
Sheep//Lamb (supposedly he's Shaun the Sheep i guess) at west end live concert! very entertaining, so sad we missed Sound of Music and Dirty Dancing.. ..

Babushka! celebrating the beginning of summer :) :)

Babushka too!

Hyde Park! last day of exam, straight after the exam actually.. never felt more free and relaxed *release deep breath* :) :) grins~