Actually to think of it, this year I had much more free time on my timetable compared to last year's. Animal behaviour module is also the one module i've been waiting for impatiently ever since I was a fresher. Studywise, not much problem. I guess we really REALLY need to get our interenet connection up and runnning asap at our new flat, otherwise, I can't do my work at home. Starting to get quite fed up having to stay in college searching for journals and saving them to read later at home whilst I actually can just go home and do it IF only BT will get our phone line sorted!
And these days, with all these companies presentations to makes me feel like its A-level all over again, all the shiny prospectuses of universities were equal to the shiny booklet from each company, being given to us..soon-to-be graduates who are currently at a very confused state in what to do after they graduate. At least I'm not the only one.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
This time of the year
butterfly effect
Thursday, October 11, 2007