Good signs that happier days are more and gloomy days are less recently. Sometimes problems from people around you affect your mood. Also living here, back in London, means it is back to my normal routine where all my activity is well..centered on me really. We're all nicely sorted in our new flat now. St.George Wharf. Damn nice view.. I had resumed my usual jogging routine along the river, with occasional stops to London eye when I feels like it, but most of the times I like this small tiny park near the Albert embankment. I like to organise my thoughts when running, but I can't switch off like when I'm riding. Riding is the best because I always automatically switch off all other thoughts when riding :) oh for the note, Loki is getting FAT. I mean really, but he's still Loki. He nipped me when he saw me again for the first time, that's his way of saying hi. Went on a shopping spree in Frogpool Manor today wt Hazwan (thanks LOTS for driving me there and waiting te!), I've been thinking to go there since last year as I needed to renew most of my riding kits (e.g : my poor GPA helmet which I bought in 2001 and been through some really hard falls since then). My best item today : new long tall black leather boots :) ! yays! I used to had one pair of them made-to-order-but-didnt-fit, left them back home as cant be bothered to lug them all the way here. And i got new bridle for dear Zinnie! hope she can fit to it nicely :) its brown and smelt like fresh new leather. Now I really want to go back home and ride my horses.....if only someone can ship them all here maybe? yeah i wish lol.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Aneh ya, gw kok bisa sih kangen sama orang yang bahkan gw contact tiap hari aja ga.
Tapi bener deh, kangen amat sangat!! kalo mau tidur, yg gw bayang2in dia.. kalo lagi bengong, dia lagi. lagi masak, dia juga. lagi denger lagu, dia lagi dan lagi.. astagaa, dulu ga separah ini lho.
Kalo gw pikir dengan menyeluruh..sebenernya gw ga bisa pinpoint exactly apa sih yang bisa bikin gw ga bisa ngehapusin orang yang satu ini dari pikiran gw. Bener ga bisa. ga nemu tepatnya.
Jeleknya tau smua. Baiknya, gw juga tau. Dongo2nya..itu apalagi, tau dgn super baik dah gw. Tapi kok bisa yah ampe skarang pun dia masi adaaa aja di pikiran gw ? ada yang bisa ngasi jawaban mungkin ?
bener deh kata Jack Johnson di lagunya, he's a fortunate fool. bener bangett..
dan satu lagu lagi (juga dari si pak Johnson), better together (kalo ini sih yang gw mau yah haha).
butterfly effect
Sunday, October 07, 2007